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Thunderjet Control Knobs

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Thunderjet Control Knobs Empty Thunderjet Control Knobs

Post by matt25 Thu Nov 05, 2009 2:13 pm

Anyone know where i can lay my hands on a set of knobs for an '84 Thunderjet?
Cheers all

Number of posts : 1
Registration date : 2009-11-05

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Thunderjet Control Knobs Empty Re: Thunderjet Control Knobs

Post by corsair Thu Nov 05, 2009 5:11 pm

They're the black, tapered ones, right?! If so, you may now join the queue for hunting 'em down!! They're peculiar to Westone and bloody hard to find....
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Thunderjet Control Knobs Empty Re: Thunderjet Control Knobs

Post by Barry Thu Nov 05, 2009 5:17 pm

matt25 wrote:Anyone know where i can lay my hands on a set of knobs for an '84 Thunderjet?
Cheers all
Sorry matt, you'll have to inherit them...or kill someone for them. Thunderjet Control Knobs Icon_eek
They are completely unique to Westone and there are no aftermarket replacements that I am aware of. You might try ribbed speed knobs as an alternative. They don't look too bad.

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