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Westbury Standard

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Westbury Standard Empty Westbury Standard

Post by hoax Tue Sep 29, 2009 6:29 pm

I know it aint a Westone but I thought that some of you would be interested. I just bought a 1978 Westbury Standard which was advertised locally. It's wine red, plays a treat but has a few battle scars. Does anyone know anything about drop filling to repair chip damage?


P.S. I've started work on it already.
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Westbury Standard Empty Re: Westbury Standard

Post by Steve777 Tue Sep 29, 2009 8:38 pm

Hi ya Hoax,

Westbury's are fantastic instruments and climbing in price all the time. OE Pups were twin Dimarzios! So a great find. I have friend locally who gigs with his regularly.
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