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super twin 750 missing

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super twin 750 missing Empty super twin 750 missing

Post by rico Thu Nov 09, 2023 9:46 am

I will be receiving a rainbow2 soon, unfortunately the super twin 750s have been replaced... I would like to know if anyone has any for sale, and if not, i'd like to have advices on replacing them with other Pick ups
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super twin 750 missing Empty Re: super twin 750 missing

Post by corsair Sat Nov 11, 2023 2:50 am

The Matsumoku semi hollows tended to have MMK61 pickups, rather than the MMK75s, which seemed to be standard fitting on the likes of the Westone X350/390… 
… however, I wish you luck finding either as they’re about as rare as chickens’ lips!!
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super twin 750 missing Empty Re: super twin 750 missing

Post by Westbone Sat Nov 11, 2023 9:15 am

Rainbows have MMK75's,  Session II's have 61's

I do have a set of MMK53's going spare if any use to you. Same wires as the Rainbow.
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super twin 750 missing Empty Re: super twin 750 missing

Post by rico Sat Nov 11, 2023 9:20 am

Thank you for your answer, I was thinking the super twin 750 as describe in the spec were mmk 75 with 4 wires for the PEQ system, I've seen some mmk61 but just with 2 wires, I'd like to put back the original PEQ system so I need a four wires system.
I saw some howto to convert the 2 wires humbuckers into 4 wires, so I think I will buy them and try to make it work
The deal for the guitar is not totally finish (the guitar is not into my house yet) so I wonder a bit...
I think these two pickups (61 and 75) are very closed so I think I'm going to follow your advice, it's the better way to be next from the original
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super twin 750 missing Empty Re: super twin 750 missing

Post by Westbone Sat Nov 11, 2023 4:05 pm

Does the Rainbow you haven't got yet have the PEQ controls?

I've a untouched Rainbow II for sale if your interested?
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super twin 750 missing Empty Re: super twin 750 missing

Post by corsair Sat Nov 11, 2023 8:45 pm

Westbone wrote:Rainbows have MMK75's,  Session II's have 61's

Cool! Didn’t know that; thanks, Damian!
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super twin 750 missing Empty Re: super twin 750 missing

Post by rico Sun Nov 12, 2023 2:51 am

Thanks to both of you, and sorry for the late reply
I think the best thing to do is to wait the delevry of the rainbow, and like you said Westbone to see if the PEQ pots are still there...
I buy this guitar online and the guy didn't know anything about it, it was his father's one
I think I had it for a good price, and that is why I decided to buy it, even the rainbow was modify
I just hope the guy send it to me soon, and then I will come back to tell you
I play reggae, bossa, and I want to start playing more jazz, I hope this guitar will be good for that
I'm french as you can see my bad english
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super twin 750 missing Empty Re: super twin 750 missing

Post by rico Thu Nov 23, 2023 4:28 am

I finally received the guitar, actually there is no push pull, so I'm going to abandon the PEQ idea. I found an MMK75 neck in Denmark, I'm waiting for its delivery, all I'm missing is the bridge, if anyone had one or an MMK61 I would be interested.
The guitar is in good condition, but whitout serial number, except for the microphones and knobs which are not all the same height.
The MMK75 I found doesn't have the gold cover...
If I don't find another MMK I will have to go for another PAF bridge in the 8ohms

[url=]super twin 750 missing 20231110[/url]

super twin 750 missing 20231112
super twin 750 missing 20231111
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super twin 750 missing Empty Re: super twin 750 missing

Post by Westbone Thu Nov 23, 2023 3:40 pm

PEQ tone pots are not push/pull they have a detent in the middle position and are a stacked pot, one on top of the other. That should be easy to see via the F hole.

I have a bridge in chrome if needed and studs.
super twin 750 missing 20231114
super twin 750 missing 20231116
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super twin 750 missing Empty Re: super twin 750 missing

Post by rico Fri Nov 24, 2023 3:11 am

Hi Westbone,
I didn't felt any detent in the middle of the pot, I think I'm going to disassembly all the staff probably this week, I hope I will find them in. (I will post a picture)
I don't see weel how they are via the small F hole
Thank you for the bridge but in fact I've got one (not in the picture) which is in a very good state
I can't understand why they have changed the pickups to put this bad quality ones... at the opposite the guitar is in a very good state, it seems brand new
What do you think about the year's built of this guitar, why there is no serial number, for me it could a post 1985 one ?
What do you think about that ?
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super twin 750 missing Empty Re: super twin 750 missing

Post by rico Tue Nov 28, 2023 4:59 am

The PEQ system is there ! Good news, now another challenge began, I've found a MMK61 2 wires that I will have to convert in a four wires one, the MMK75 I founded is a 4 wires one, they are both neck pick up but I think it will be OK, I think I will use the 75 in neck and the 61 in bridge but I don't know what is the best to do.I upload the pictures of what I've found in, never seen something like that !!! I will try to do better....
super twin 750 missing 20231114super twin 750 missing 20231113
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super twin 750 missing Empty Re: super twin 750 missing

Post by rico Tue Nov 28, 2023 5:08 am

I've found some numbers in the body, but I don't know what it could means

super twin 750 missing 20231117
super twin 750 missing 20231118
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super twin 750 missing Empty Re: super twin 750 missing

Post by Barry Tue Nov 28, 2023 9:53 am

As far as we know, those numbers are most likely an internal manufacturing reference, they have nothing to do with dating or serial numbering.

They probably identify such things as which neck goes with which body, the colour finish, etc.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
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super twin 750 missing Empty Re: super twin 750 missing

Post by rico Wed Nov 29, 2023 11:01 am

Thank you Barry,

Ultimately dating the guitar is not essential, because I intend to keep it, I especially hope to succeed in getting it back on track, in fact I have started to renovate the wiring.
I'm going to have to extend the wire of the MMK 75 and change the 61 to a 4 wire configuration, I think I need help with that...
super twin 750 missing 20231120
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super twin 750 missing Empty Re: super twin 750 missing

Post by Barry Wed Nov 29, 2023 11:32 am

rico wrote:I'm going to ...change the 61 to a 4 wire configuration
Hmm, are you sure you want to do that?

These pickups are now 40 years old and it might not be wise to open up it up and attempt a modification. Is a single coil option really necessary, especially if you intend to play jazz?

Many of the MMK45's have suffered from winding "rot' with one or both coils breaking all by themselves. Rolling Eyes Ask me how I know.

If others in the series are similarly fragile, you could end up with an unusable pickup.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
super twin 750 missing Guitar10
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super twin 750 missing Empty Re: super twin 750 missing

Post by rico Wed Nov 29, 2023 11:39 am

In fact it's not for single coil but to use the PEQ tone system, I don't know if I can keep one in a 2 wire config and how to wire it on the PEQ pots ?
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super twin 750 missing Empty Re: super twin 750 missing

Post by Barry Wed Nov 29, 2023 11:45 am

I'm not the guy to ask!
Damian, what do you think? Hello Wave

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
super twin 750 missing Guitar10
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super twin 750 missing Empty Re: super twin 750 missing

Post by Westbone Sun Dec 03, 2023 6:25 am

Barry wrote:I'm not the guy to ask!
Damian, what do you think? Hello Wave

Of course it can be done.

The Rainbow II wiring diagram is on the website.
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super twin 750 missing Empty Re: super twin 750 missing

Post by Barry Sun Dec 03, 2023 1:15 pm

Thanks Damian.

I was attempting to provide the link but apparently the website is buggered up (again) and not connecting to the database. Crying or Very sad

Give it a little time and perhaps Keiran will correct the problem soon.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
super twin 750 missing Guitar10
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super twin 750 missing Empty Re: super twin 750 missing

Post by rico Mon Dec 04, 2023 3:16 am

I used the wiring diagram of the rainbow2 to make the "Harness" you can see in the picture I've already posted and it's very usefull.
But in this diagran we can't see the conexion to the coils, I've seen in the wiring diagram of the concord bass, few indications that will help me.
The pick up I want to install in bridge position is a neck one so I think I must turn it for 180°
I think the colors must fit like this :
Black : North start
Red : North finish
Brown : South finish
Orange : South start
Is that right ?
I will the recieve the 61's pickup today or tomorow, and I will open it to see how it's look like.
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super twin 750 missing Empty Re: super twin 750 missing

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