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Used Westone Concord Bass II $375

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Used Westone Concord Bass II $375 Empty Used Westone Concord Bass II $375

Post by gittarasaurus Thu Aug 24, 2023 1:57 pm

very nice looking Concord Bass II on sale at the Guitar Center in Queens (NY) for $375.
clueless people listed it as Westone Audio lol! 

the listing says it comes with a case, not sure what exactly that means as there is no pic of the case.
the bass is in the rare color of purple red with a maple neck. looks to be in great condition.

>>Guitar Center<<

there is a phone number on the listing if you want more info...
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Used Westone Concord Bass II $375 Empty Re: Used Westone Concord Bass II $375

Post by Barry Fri Aug 25, 2023 12:24 pm

Love that colour and she is in pristine shape! Coffee Drinker
(No idea where they got that "Audio" designation from)

For my Canadian buddies: it'll cost ya CAD$533.34 plus shipping. Damned exchange!

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Used Westone Concord Bass II $375 Guitar10
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