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Spectrum ID question

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Spectrum ID question Empty Spectrum ID question

Post by SteinbergerHack Fri Aug 23, 2019 10:22 am

I have an old Westone Spectrum (I think) that I bought new in early 1984.  I'm trying to sort out exactly what model it was, but it doesn't really make sense.  It looks identical to an X185 GT - blue-burst (at least it was when I bought it), same pickups, routing, knobs, etc., but has the set neck of the Spectrum FX.  I am also quite certain that I bought it in 1984, which would put it before the production dates of either that are shown in the main listing.  When I bought it, the store had a half-dozen or more of these that all came in together; most of them were bolt-on neck, but this one particular guitar was a set neck - and it played WAY better than any of the others, so I bought it.

Any ideas what it might be?  Any possibility that it was a one-off that wasn't a regular catalog model?
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Spectrum ID question Empty Re: Spectrum ID question

Post by Barry Fri Aug 23, 2019 11:13 am

When you buy a guitar is not so important, it can be purchased anytime after it's made.

The serial number will show the actual build date. (see main page of our web site for interpretation)

Having said that, it is not unusual to see Westones vary from the specifications, particularly the Spectrum line. I have at least one which doesn't follow the expectations. Lots of experimentation was carried out.

We really need pictures to render any sort of opinion though. Please post a few, otherwise we're only guessing. Wink

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Spectrum ID question Guitar10
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Spectrum ID question Empty Re: Spectrum ID question

Post by SteinbergerHack Fri Aug 23, 2019 7:50 pm

Barry wrote:When you buy a guitar is not so important, it can be purchased anytime after it's made.

The serial number will show the actual build date. (see main page of our web site for interpretation)

Having said that, it is not unusual to see Westones vary from the specifications, particularly the Spectrum line. I have at least one which doesn't follow the expectations. Lots of experimentation was carried out.

We really need pictures to render any sort of opinion though. Please post a few, otherwise we're only guessing. Wink
The reason I brought up the "when" is that I bought before they were theoretically in production....which is impossible without serious application of relativistic time travel.

I might be able to find a photo, but it no longer looks much like any Westone you've ever seen, as a result of a fairly major re-paint job....
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Number of posts : 8
Registration date : 2019-04-27

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