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Spectrum Volume/Tone knobs

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Spectrum Volume/Tone knobs  Empty Spectrum Volume/Tone knobs

Post by drsyn67 Fri Dec 21, 2018 10:34 pm

Are the knobs for the Spectrum LX/DX/MX series the same for both guitar and bass instruments?
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Spectrum Volume/Tone knobs  Empty Re: Spectrum Volume/Tone knobs

Post by Barry Sat Dec 22, 2018 1:04 am

Proprietary, and rare as rocking horse doo-doo if you're trying to replace 'em.  Neutral

And just for fun there are metal and plastic versions, as well as some with metal inserts and set screws, and others which are friction fit. Lots of experimentation over the various instrument model year releases, but same design.

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Spectrum Volume/Tone knobs  Guitar10
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Spectrum Volume/Tone knobs  Empty Re: Spectrum Volume/Tone knobs

Post by corsair Sat Dec 22, 2018 2:16 am

Yeah... Barry has it right! They do pop up from time to time on sleazebay, or someone gets a bee in their bonnet and makes some from scratch - I copped some in red and in blue from this forum which now grace an MX and a GT....
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