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Acoustic soundboard --the cutaway question

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Acoustic soundboard --the cutaway question Empty Acoustic soundboard --the cutaway question

Post by Barry Sun Jul 15, 2018 12:14 pm

Ever wonder if a cutaway on an acoustic has any effect on its sound?

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Acoustic soundboard --the cutaway question Guitar10
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Location : Port Weller, St. Catharines, Canada
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Acoustic soundboard --the cutaway question Empty Re: Acoustic soundboard --the cutaway question

Post by corsair Sun Jul 15, 2018 2:53 pm

Interesting, eh?!
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Acoustic soundboard --the cutaway question Empty Re: Acoustic soundboard --the cutaway question

Post by Barry Sun Jul 15, 2018 7:11 pm

My gut always said that it would have to.
And it does.
But not enough to make pinch of poo difference.

The better access to the upper frets is worth any small loss of bass frequency you might experience. And frankly my ears are so fried after all these years of playing that I couldn't tell a heck of a lot of difference anyway. Neutral

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Acoustic soundboard --the cutaway question Guitar10
MUSIC/PIX/VIDEOS: (including Spectrum ST)
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

Number of posts : 8804
Age : 79
Location : Port Weller, St. Catharines, Canada
Registration date : 2009-05-01

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Acoustic soundboard --the cutaway question Empty Re: Acoustic soundboard --the cutaway question

Post by gittarasaurus Sun Jul 15, 2018 7:27 pm

really nice Sigma guitar i've had nearly 40yrs, spruce top/mahogany sides and back, rosewood fingerboard
Acoustic soundboard --the cutaway question Enhance
and an auction find from around the same time period (was 10 - 20 years old when i got it at auction) the guitar is branded Franciscan, hand made in Korea in 60's or 70's. surprisingly good player even still today, with spruce top, mahogany sides and back, ebony fingerboard
Acoustic soundboard --the cutaway question Enhance?fromCloud
the Sigma has a much more focused, higher resonant tone compared to the Franciscan. the Franciscan a fuller sounding lower end. the Sigma definitely does not project the volume that the Franciscan does.
they exhibit pretty much what is described in the article.

i think the question of 'will i lose tone' is not the right question, rather, 'what tone am i after' or 'what can i do with the sounds this guitar makes'

from my experience, acoustic guitars of different styles have quite distinctly different tonal character. each one i own has its particular sound. you have to choose acoustic guitars by the sound they make and how you can use that as your palette with which to "paint".
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