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Acoustic Bass

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Acoustic Bass Empty Acoustic Bass

Post by EvilVOG Wed Mar 28, 2012 5:16 am

Been thinking about getting an acoustic bass for a while now, i've gone and played everything i could get my hands on. At this point i'm down to two choices, either:

A new Crestwood, it's a no-name but the one i played sounded excellent and it was $150 brand new.

Used Michael Kelly if i go expensive, I liked other models on the high end scale but I can't see spending over 300 if it doesn't look like it cost that much... so probably a Dragonfly with the full inlay, or a Phoenix.

And i still have the Kingman on the back of my mind, but i doubt i can get that at a decent price (at least not anymore). At this point i think i can get over having a normal sized neck for the first time in my playing days.

Anyway i have a few days while i wait for the money to come in from the guitar i just sold on eBay. I really like the look of the Kelly's with all the inlay work, but then it's hard to get get past not knowing for sure how it is till it gets here (only one i could try locally was retail price :X), vs. the Crestwood that sounded great (may have just been the nice bronze's it was strung with) and i know exactly how the setup on it is as it's just up the road a bit. So i'm open to any ideas or thoughts you have.
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 94
Location : Detroit, Mi
Registration date : 2011-11-14

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