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Kahler tremolo spring sets for Pantera X390

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Kahler tremolo spring sets for Pantera X390 Empty Kahler tremolo spring sets for Pantera X390

Post by gittarasaurus Wed Jan 31, 2018 10:25 pm

i was working on a project guitar with a tremolo that i mistakenly thought was a Kahler. turns out it was a knock-off brand and so the official Kahler parts i got wouldn't work.

so i have two pairs of springs that will fit any Kahler cam system tremolo, like the ones used on the Pantera X390 models.
one set is the typical size(left) and the other is the 'heavy duty' set(right).
Kahler tremolo spring sets for Pantera X390 Enhance

trade for any kind of part for a westone guitar such as knobs, switch tips, string lock parts, whatever
if you just want the springs that's okay too. $10/set
the springs are for a tremolo like this X390:
Kahler tremolo spring sets for Pantera X390 Enhance
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