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vantage va900

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vantage va900 Empty vantage va900

Post by tomatwood Mon Jan 09, 2017 6:33 pm

I have a vantage va900 that we are rebuilding. I am looking for the little red light that is right above the amp jack. I was originally trying to replace with original parts but can't find any.  Any help?? Thanks Tom

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Registration date : 2016-10-26

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vantage va900 Empty Re: vantage va900

Post by corsair Tue Jan 10, 2017 8:05 am

It's just little LED, isn't it? I've never taken much notice of it on mine as I never used the onboard boost....

There is a dedicated Vantage forum...

... see is any of the lads in there have a suggestion.
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vantage va900 Empty Re: vantage va900

Post by Westbone Tue Jan 10, 2017 10:13 am

You might not find an original but there's loads out there as near as dammit!
Just measure the hole and check out the table on this link will give you a good idea.
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