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my poor westone... (painful photos inside)

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my poor westone... (painful photos inside) Empty my poor westone... (painful photos inside)

Post by stuyvo Fri May 08, 2009 10:16 pm

was having a play around and my spectrum ST fell off its strap... into a rowing machine im storing in my music room at the moment Neutral

my poor westone... (painful photos inside) Dscf3848s

my poor westone... (painful photos inside) Dscf3849w

looking into repairs at the moment, it will likely sit for a while before it gets fixxed though as I realy need a bass to play -now-, the market is bare in terms of westone basses at the moment so i'l likely end up with a fender again :\
Westone Nut

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Registration date : 2008-08-03

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my poor westone... (painful photos inside) Empty Re: my poor westone... (painful photos inside)

Post by corsair Sat May 09, 2009 1:42 am

oooh - nasty!! Is the fretboard lost a piece at the 1st fret? Good luck with the repair...
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my poor westone... (painful photos inside) Empty Re: my poor westone... (painful photos inside)

Post by Guest Sat May 09, 2009 1:43 pm


I hope you gave the rowing machine what for!!! Evil or Very Mad Ditto for me too on the repairs. cheers

:flower: :queen:

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my poor westone... (painful photos inside) Empty Re: my poor westone... (painful photos inside)

Post by stuyvo Sun May 10, 2009 1:26 am

corsair wrote:oooh - nasty!! Is the fretboard lost a piece at the 1st fret? Good luck with the repair...

crack is just as bad on the other side, on the other side the fretboard is still stuck to the neck, i think she'l just get a rough glue repair and chalk it up to experience; its pretty sad to see my baby in this type of condition though Sad
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 24
Registration date : 2008-08-03

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my poor westone... (painful photos inside) Empty Re: my poor westone... (painful photos inside)

Post by corsair Sun May 10, 2009 2:37 am

You're gonna take it to a luthier, yes?! Shocked
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my poor westone... (painful photos inside) Empty Re: my poor westone... (painful photos inside)

Post by halo71 Sun May 10, 2009 3:00 pm

Oooh sorry to see and hear about this! "Fell off it's strap"? You mean while you were playing it or was it hanging from something by the strap?
Westone Nut

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my poor westone... (painful photos inside) Empty Re: my poor westone... (painful photos inside)

Post by Barry Sun May 10, 2009 5:28 pm

Both of my Spectrum's crossed their G strings in a genuflect response! silent
Sort of like a male response to a Jewish briss! And hey, you don't have to be Jewish to cringe!

Oh Lordy, that's so-o-o unfortunate. Sorry to see it.
Best of luck with the restoration!

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
my poor westone... (painful photos inside) Guitar10
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my poor westone... (painful photos inside) Empty Re: my poor westone... (painful photos inside)

Post by stuyvo Sun May 10, 2009 8:50 pm

halo71 wrote:Oooh sorry to see and hear about this! "Fell off it's strap"? You mean while you were playing it or was it hanging from something by the strap?

while i was playing it, i managed to grab the other end of the strap so it swung in a pendulum motion and hit the rowing machine Sad
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 24
Registration date : 2008-08-03

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my poor westone... (painful photos inside) Empty ouch!

Post by bobroberts Mon May 11, 2009 3:21 am

hate to see anything like that happen to a guitar!

my deepest sympathies!! hope you get it back up and running!!!
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my poor westone... (painful photos inside) Empty Re: my poor westone... (painful photos inside)

Post by KNM Mon Sep 07, 2009 7:03 pm

Oh,my god!! :

Hope you find some solutions and fix it.It´so painful that those things happens!

The best of lucks,you´ll make it! :

Westone Nut

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my poor westone... (painful photos inside) Empty Re: my poor westone... (painful photos inside)

Post by hendrik Tue Sep 08, 2009 1:01 am

Sad, sad, sad... Crying or Very sad as Mick Jagger would sing

Hope you find a good luthier.
No idea where you are based.
I can recommend one here in Zurich, where I live.
It's one of the best guitar shops I've ever been in.

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my poor westone... (painful photos inside) Empty Re: my poor westone... (painful photos inside)

Post by norfolkngood Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:34 pm

Sorry to hear, a truly "Oh Sh1t" moment.

If you haven't got it back together, might be worth haunting ebay or putting up a "wanted" note on here for a new neck? If it's a player, bugger originality, the straploks are going on (but do keep the original strap buttons in case you sell later).
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my poor westone... (painful photos inside) Empty Re: my poor westone... (painful photos inside)

Post by Frenchy Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:24 pm

Ouch.... my poor westone... (painful photos inside) Icon_sad
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my poor westone... (painful photos inside) Empty Vantage X99-B

Post by troga123 Mon Mar 29, 2010 3:19 am

Hi Frenchy

Sorry to hear about your bass and hope you got it sorted.

My query is not about Westones but about my Vantage X99- B you seem to be the only one on the net that has any experience of these instruments.

I bought mine new about 8 years ago, has the sticker V00074 still on it. I used it for about 3 years on stage non-stop till I could afford a Fender Jazz, which has been superseded by a Musicman Stingray.

About 5 years ago I lent the Vantage to a drummer friend of mine, then I moved away from the area. I managed to get it back last week, and as my mind is sometimes a bit hazy I seem to remember having active electrics fitted to it, but when I took the back of it there are 2 or 3 wires just hanging loose, so I assume someone has had a go at it and taken the actives out.

I was wondering if you could have a look in your X99-B and if possible send me any photos or if not just trace where the 2 wires to the jack socket should be connected. I know one is to earth but not sure of the other one.

Many thanks in advance.


PS I forgot how lovely this instrument plays, even though it sticky and filthy the neck is lovely to touch, want to start using it again along side the Musicman.

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my poor westone... (painful photos inside) Empty Re: my poor westone... (painful photos inside)

Post by Frenchy Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:48 am

Hi Troga,

I was lucky to find your post!...

As for the X99B, mine is passive... I have no electronics in it at all....

If you want more info on Vantage, I would suggest that you visit :

Lots more info on Vantage is available in the Vantage section.


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