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Pick me! No, pick meeee!!

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If you pick it, will it ever heal?

Pick me! No, pick meeee!! Vote_lcap233%Pick me! No, pick meeee!! Vote_rcap2 33% 
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Pick me! No, pick meeee!! Vote_lcap20%Pick me! No, pick meeee!! Vote_rcap2 0% 
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Pick me! No, pick meeee!! Vote_lcap20%Pick me! No, pick meeee!! Vote_rcap2 0% 
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Pick me! No, pick meeee!! Vote_lcap20%Pick me! No, pick meeee!! Vote_rcap2 0% 
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Pick me! No, pick meeee!! Vote_lcap222%Pick me! No, pick meeee!! Vote_rcap2 22% 
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Pick me! No, pick meeee!! Vote_lcap20%Pick me! No, pick meeee!! Vote_rcap2 0% 
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Pick me! No, pick meeee!! Vote_lcap211%Pick me! No, pick meeee!! Vote_rcap2 11% 
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Pick me! No, pick meeee!! Vote_lcap20%Pick me! No, pick meeee!! Vote_rcap2 0% 
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Pick me! No, pick meeee!! Vote_lcap233%Pick me! No, pick meeee!! Vote_rcap2 33% 
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Total Votes : 9

Pick me! No, pick meeee!! Empty Pick me! No, pick meeee!!

Post by Barry Mon Feb 15, 2016 11:35 pm

Just for the heck of it in the dead of do you play yer geetar?
Do you just *ahem* pick her up and go for it?

Or do you have to have a pick, or it's a no-go?
Worse yet, do you have to have your "special" pic or it just ain't a-happenin'?

C'mon. Spill it. Confession's good for your soul. Good for your rock n roll too.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Pick me! No, pick meeee!! Guitar10
MUSIC/PIX/VIDEOS: (including Spectrum ST)
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

Number of posts : 8804
Age : 79
Location : Port Weller, St. Catharines, Canada
Registration date : 2009-05-01

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