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Maple fretboard care ?

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Maple fretboard care ? Empty Maple fretboard care ?

Post by Cloud-9 Sat Aug 08, 2015 6:35 pm

anyone know what finishes were used on these fretboards by matsumoku?

what do you guys recommend using to clean the maple fretboards for the 1982-1983 model maple fretboards?
Westone Nut

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Maple fretboard care ? Empty Re: Maple fretboard care ?

Post by Meadows Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:23 pm

I commend your attention to detail Cloud, welcome to the "man cave". You got a restoration going on there?, Wanna share the beans?
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Maple fretboard care ? Empty Re: Maple fretboard care ?

Post by Sgt. Vimes Sun Aug 09, 2015 6:51 am

'81 -'82 maple boards on the concords were different to the '83 onwards, much thinner and a lot less glossy, a damp soapy cloth should clean any maple board, though I do like to use a light dab of acetone on a rag to clean the scum off.
Sgt. Vimes
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Maple fretboard care ? Empty Re: Maple fretboard care ?

Post by Barry Sun Aug 09, 2015 9:05 am

The original finish was likely a thinner version of the urethane used on the body finish.
As you've just heard, the thickness and gloss varied form year to year.

I usually find mild soap and water with a toothbrush is enough to remove the fret poo from most maple boards. Don't let the water sit long though, wipe it dry with paper towels then finish off with a good quality wax if needed, and polish to a nice shine.

If the frets need attention be sure to use a fret shield and #0000 steel wool prior to the waxing.

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Maple fretboard care ? Guitar10
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Maple fretboard care ? Empty Re: Maple fretboard care ?

Post by corsair Sun Aug 09, 2015 9:05 am

I still favour a toothbrush with a little detergent in water for really ugly fretboard scum.... the worn edge of an old pick is great for cleaning right up to the fret edges, too!
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