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EBAY Germany: Pink Pantera + White Concord III + WESTON ES335 + Spectrum II Bass + XE10

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EBAY Germany: Pink Pantera + White Concord III + WESTON ES335 + Spectrum II Bass + XE10 Empty EBAY Germany: Pink Pantera + White Concord III + WESTON ES335 + Spectrum II Bass + XE10

Post by hendrik Thu Jun 11, 2009 4:37 am

On Ebay Germany:

Pink Pantera



This one isn't mentioned at the WESTONE.INFO page ?



Last edited by hendrik on Wed Jun 17, 2009 8:39 am; edited 5 times in total (Reason for editing : Link added and lesson for the links learned)
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EBAY Germany: Pink Pantera + White Concord III + WESTON ES335 + Spectrum II Bass + XE10 Empty Re: EBAY Germany: Pink Pantera + White Concord III + WESTON ES335 + Spectrum II Bass + XE10

Post by silence86 Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:12 am

The first time I saw the ES335-clone I thought "Ok,another cheap German copy"... After reading the headding I was puzzled. The sticker on the back of the headstock says "Made in Japan" (...I guess). I'll contact the seller tonight to get a photo of the "westone"-logo. Pherhaps that will make things clear...
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EBAY Germany: Pink Pantera + White Concord III + WESTON ES335 + Spectrum II Bass + XE10 Empty Re: EBAY Germany: Pink Pantera + White Concord III + WESTON ES335 + Spectrum II Bass + XE10

Post by Barry Thu Jun 11, 2009 12:24 pm

Love that ES335 (?) clone! ❤

I have a 1964 Gibson ES330 so I tend to have a fondness for this type of guitar.
There are variations on the ES theme by Gibson but generally speaking those with the trapeze tail-piece tend to be 330 style (hollow body) while the 335's have the solid wood down the centre with a fixed bridge. You do however see combinations, trapeze with solid core, etc. I'd be interested see if this is that kind of construction (likely). The pup's vary too. Mine are P90's. 335's tend towards the humbuckers.

I had no idea that Westone cranked these out as well--learn sumpthin' new all the time! I'm sure it measures up to Uncle Mats' standards. It would be a grand addition to the growing herd in my music room, if I only had, you know, money!!

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
EBAY Germany: Pink Pantera + White Concord III + WESTON ES335 + Spectrum II Bass + XE10 Guitar10
MUSIC/PIX/VIDEOS: (including Spectrum ST)
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EBAY Germany: Pink Pantera + White Concord III + WESTON ES335 + Spectrum II Bass + XE10 Empty Re: EBAY Germany: Pink Pantera + White Concord III + WESTON ES335 + Spectrum II Bass + XE10

Post by corsair Thu Jun 11, 2009 3:33 pm

All of the Matsumoku 335's are very well regarded indeed; the Aria Pro II TA series, Vantage VSH and the Rainbow and from what I've seen are deserving of the approbation! They are also starting to get very expensive indeed, which is not the reason I don't have one.... I simply don't like the 335/345/355s! Very Happy

The Spectrum II bass that doesn't appear at .info is a Korean one which puts outside of Davids purview.
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EBAY Germany: Pink Pantera + White Concord III + WESTON ES335 + Spectrum II Bass + XE10 Empty Re: EBAY Germany: Pink Pantera + White Concord III + WESTON ES335 + Spectrum II Bass + XE10

Post by Barry Thu Jun 11, 2009 7:33 pm

corsair wrote:I simply don't like the 335/345/355s! Very Happy
My ES330 is a beautifully versatile guitar and an unbelievably comfortable thing to play.
The tone range is wonderful, particularly for jazz or studio work, but it can also deliver fantastic "swamp" rock (think CCR) and blues. But because of the hollow body it's just an absolute pig to keep in tune when performing.

The lights, the sun, and just general body heat cause the thing to expand in weird ways that drive the tuning crazy. Suspect That, plus the increasing value of the thing, and the potential danger of having it damaged, led me to buying my first Westone ST!

I'm guessing that the solid core in the 335's etc, help over come that expansion problem while adding to the overall sustain. But you sure can get some righteous overtones out of my P90's.
They rock like crazy, um, as long as you rotate the right way relative to the amp!

Ah well then John, more for me!

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
EBAY Germany: Pink Pantera + White Concord III + WESTON ES335 + Spectrum II Bass + XE10 Guitar10
MUSIC/PIX/VIDEOS: (including Spectrum ST)
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

Number of posts : 8804
Age : 79
Location : Port Weller, St. Catharines, Canada
Registration date : 2009-05-01

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EBAY Germany: Pink Pantera + White Concord III + WESTON ES335 + Spectrum II Bass + XE10 Empty Re: EBAY Germany: Pink Pantera + White Concord III + WESTON ES335 + Spectrum II Bass + XE10

Post by corsair Thu Jun 11, 2009 9:53 pm

True!! Laughing I used a 345 very briefly in the mid 80's and it near drove me mad with it's constant feeding back at anything like stage volume; I very quickly went back to my VA900, so yes; more for you!!

(I don't find them very comfortable to play for any length of time either... but that goes for just about any fecking Gibson!!) Laughing
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