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Short Scale's

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Short Scale's Empty Short Scale's

Post by Meadows Thu May 14, 2015 10:19 am

It's raining today so can't work, however just prior to the clouds giving forth I took a couple of shots of three short scale's in residence prior to them being given to students.

The larger is a Hagstrom "Futurama Bass, 22" neck, battle scarred to bits but with the original strings from when they were last changed in the 80's, plays and sounds amazing, very retro.

The middle one is a Jedson short scale 17 1/2" neck bass, great for taking down the pub on jam nights and again, plays very well and easy for guitarists to jam on when they have had a couple or three.

The little fella and probably the most interesting, I found in France. It had been hanging on a wall for years, completely covered in dust, gitane tabacco smoke and lots of life I guess. It is a Nashville les paul style, 14" neck, solid wood body, bridge and electrics all made in Japan. The pick up looks like a Dimarzio and sounds like one, a real blues vibe. Had to go up on the string gauge to get the intonation and pitch right (just about) but a cracking little player now, and no info on the net about them ????

Something and nothing on this rainy day, enjoy Smile

Last edited by Meadows on Thu May 14, 2015 10:20 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : spelling mistakes again)
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Number of posts : 593
Location : North Herts
Registration date : 2013-01-19

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Short Scale's Empty Re: Short Scale's

Post by gittarasaurus Thu May 14, 2015 12:47 pm

love short-scale guitars
here is one of my favorites
Teisco Del Rey
Short Scale's Ry%3D400Short Scale's Ry%3D400
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Short Scale's Empty Re: Short Scale's

Post by Meadows Thu May 14, 2015 1:10 pm

Very nice, love those neck inlays and the pickup design. What neck length does it have please and what gauge strings are you using?
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Short Scale's Empty Re: Short Scale's

Post by gittarasaurus Thu May 14, 2015 9:38 pm

it is 24 3/4" scale actually. the entire guitar measures only 36" including the strap button. i call it Shorty.
i think i have a typical set light of gauge strings on it
i like the pickup. it has a great throaty, gritty, bluesey sound. for a small guitar, it really growls.
Twisted Evil
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Short Scale's Empty Re: Short Scale's

Post by Sgt. Vimes Fri May 15, 2015 3:52 pm

Very nice shortys guys, in particular that Haggy is stunning! love it!

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Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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Short Scale's Empty Re: Short Scale's

Post by Meadows Sat May 16, 2015 6:34 am

Cheers Pete

Got a gig with the Hagstrom today, strangely enough in a Vintage clothing store so it should feel right at home. It always gets alot of fuss from bass players when she's out, such a deep rich tone. Got her off an old blues harpist and vocalist that used her to earn extra cash at the weekends back in the day. The wooden bridge is classic and probably adds alot to the tone. Definitely a keeper (for a while anyway)
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Location : North Herts
Registration date : 2013-01-19

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