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Prestige pickups question

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Prestige pickups question Empty Prestige pickups question

Post by Thunderchimp Wed Apr 01, 2015 2:31 pm

Prestige pickups question Pickup10Prestige pickups question Pickup11
Hello, I'm curious if anyone can help me identify these pickups. They're in a Prestige 150. I can't find any markings on them, they are not active and are also wired correctly for the tone circuit. Thanks in advance for any information and keep up the great work on this site and forum!

Number of posts : 2
Location : New Castle, Colorado
Registration date : 2015-04-01

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Prestige pickups question Empty Re: Prestige pickups question

Post by gittarasaurus Thu Apr 02, 2015 9:25 am

curious… those are different pickups than on my Prestige 150, do you suppose they are the factory installed pickups?

i do have the exact same pickups in my Corsair Deluxe (left - neck, right - bridge)

Prestige pickups question Ry%3D400
they are excellent sounding pickups
the 1998 Limited Editions catalog calls them Mag V (magnaflux 5)
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Prestige pickups question Empty Re: Prestige pickups question

Post by Thunderchimp Thu Apr 02, 2015 1:58 pm

Thanks for the response. Yeah those look the same. I have no idea if they were put in at the factory or not. All the wiring is in intact and seems to be original. It would seem weird that someone would put replacement Westone pups in it but you never know. Maybe they were just what the factory had at the moment. They are very unique sounding pups....would you compare them to any others at all? I've had it since '97 and it was in new condition when I got it. Thanks again for the info!

Number of posts : 2
Location : New Castle, Colorado
Registration date : 2015-04-01

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