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Quest headless bass guitar

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guitar - Quest headless bass guitar Empty Quest headless bass guitar

Post by andriq Fri Mar 20, 2015 3:43 pm

I have found ths bass guitar for 120 bucks. It is very confortable to play. The headless system is way different from what I have known (mainly steinberger and honher). But I haven't succeded on finding any info about it (year, manufacturer, materials, hardware) The saddles have been limed so trying to find a replacement for it is almost impossible I think. 
Anyway this is the axe hopefully anybody knows about it.

guitar - Quest headless bass guitar <a href=guitar - Quest headless bass guitar Imag0310

Last edited by andriq on Sat Mar 21, 2015 1:56 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : having trouble uploading images)
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guitar - Quest headless bass guitar Empty Re: Quest headless bass guitar

Post by mortarman120gang11c Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:57 am

The Quest brand was indeed manufactured as some of the last Uncle Matt/ Vantage models assembled in Korea but some in Japan. They are not seen as often as less production was done. I own 2 of the Quest Atak guitars and I find them to be very nice players. Over all quality is good but to cut costs some items such as control knobs etc were made of light plastic to save costs but the body/necks/ pickups and tuners were nice. Mostly Goto tuners and some passive and some active pickups. I enjoy both of the one I have and this is the first Bass I have seen and it looks cool in the headless setup. I also have a Westone Quantum and a Westone Rail Bass that are headless versions but are very small and slim. this one has a larger body much like the Westone Headless. Great find. Enjoy and thanks for the photos.
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