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Dynasty. The contributor, not the guitar!!

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Dynasty. The contributor, not the guitar!! Empty Dynasty. The contributor, not the guitar!!

Post by corsair Tue Feb 03, 2015 4:02 pm

Ok, chaps... before I go any further with this, Dynasty has PMed me expressing his distaste at my rebuttal to his posting. I have replied thus...

"You, sir, are fast becoming boring, and quite possibly the worst example of US personality traits that I was referring to in the post to which you have taken exception. 

Specifically, let me explain; you post a video of a guitar being destroyed by gunfire . In what way was this on-topic, or helpful, in a thread which dealt with the parting out of guitars to maximise profit?

At no time did I refer to the writer of the post - you - as either a redneck or a twat; the reference was to whoever was performing in the video, or, if you're really interested, anyone who thinks playing with guns is funny. If that was you, then suck it up; you're not the only one allowed to have an opinion! I've hunted with long guns for years and never have I felt the need to play shoot 'em up with a guitar...

You seem to think that anything that comes from you is funny or relevant and that no-one else is allowed to fire a shot; to be honest, what I've seen so far has been puerile and a long way from Westone guitars.

I'll let the 'Land of the free" comment slide under my radar; most of the North Americans on this forum are not tub thumping zealots but people with opinions I value, and I have no wish to upset anyone.... not even you!

So... would you please refrain off topic posts, personal references and repetitive threads, and show us all in here some of what you state that you actually do, ie refrets etc.; now that sort of thing we can all enjoy!

Thanks, fella!!"

Have I overstepped the mark on this one? I'm inclined towards more drastic action...
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Dynasty. The contributor, not the guitar!! Empty Re: Dynasty. The contributor, not the guitar!!

Post by Barry Tue Feb 03, 2015 4:48 pm

Nope, not at all.
It's a pity that every so often we get someone like this who would rather spar with the good folks here who built this bloody forum then contribute positively to it.

This toad has become tiresome in the extreme.
And frankly, for someone who announced himself on the "say hello" forum as being 57(!) years old, I am flabbergasted at his gibberish.

It's all addle-headed, word salad to my ears.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Dynasty. The contributor, not the guitar!! Guitar10
MUSIC/PIX/VIDEOS: (including Spectrum ST)
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

Number of posts : 8804
Age : 79
Location : Port Weller, St. Catharines, Canada
Registration date : 2009-05-01

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Dynasty. The contributor, not the guitar!! Empty Re: Dynasty. The contributor, not the guitar!!

Post by Dynasty Tue Feb 03, 2015 7:06 pm

Frankly Barry, if you can not say anything productive just don't
Westone Nut

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Registration date : 2014-11-13

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Dynasty. The contributor, not the guitar!! Empty Re: Dynasty. The contributor, not the guitar!!

Post by Barry Tue Feb 03, 2015 9:16 pm

Very amusing.
I'm done with this nonsense. Life is too short..

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Dynasty. The contributor, not the guitar!! Guitar10
MUSIC/PIX/VIDEOS: (including Spectrum ST)
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

Number of posts : 8804
Age : 79
Location : Port Weller, St. Catharines, Canada
Registration date : 2009-05-01

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Dynasty. The contributor, not the guitar!! Empty Re: Dynasty. The contributor, not the guitar!!

Post by Adey Sat Feb 07, 2015 9:11 am

I feel a bit sorry for the guy...

If you find that you have to behave in such a bizzare manner when communicating with people you probably need someone to help you deal better in your relationships.

I know a couple of people a bit like that, who have certain disadvantages that life has dealt them...

... but maybe I'm just being too kind.
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Dynasty. The contributor, not the guitar!! Empty Re: Dynasty. The contributor, not the guitar!!

Post by Barry Sat Feb 07, 2015 10:15 am

I hear ya Adey.
But comes a point when you say #$%^^ it! A 57 yr old behaving like that is just too much to put up with. Nor should we have to, this is a guitar forum not a rehab facility eh?
Cheers for the input.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Dynasty. The contributor, not the guitar!! Guitar10
MUSIC/PIX/VIDEOS: (including Spectrum ST)
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

Number of posts : 8804
Age : 79
Location : Port Weller, St. Catharines, Canada
Registration date : 2009-05-01

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Dynasty. The contributor, not the guitar!! Empty Re: Dynasty. The contributor, not the guitar!!

Post by Adey Sat Feb 07, 2015 11:43 am

I do agree.
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Dynasty. The contributor, not the guitar!! Empty Re: Dynasty. The contributor, not the guitar!!

Post by The Chad Tue Feb 10, 2015 3:52 pm

We are blessed with a rare forum here, a great community as compared to most. 

I personally want to see it kept as such.  Just a bunch of guys who love guitars. 

If someone will keep it drama free, then they are welcome to stay.  If not, then they must move along. 

Every member must decide to keep themselves in check.  If they can't, or won't, then we are forced to decide for them by removal.
The Chad
The Chad
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Dynasty. The contributor, not the guitar!! Empty Re: Dynasty. The contributor, not the guitar!!

Post by Barry Tue Feb 10, 2015 6:23 pm

Amen, brutha!
And thank you John.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Dynasty. The contributor, not the guitar!! Guitar10
MUSIC/PIX/VIDEOS: (including Spectrum ST)
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

Number of posts : 8804
Age : 79
Location : Port Weller, St. Catharines, Canada
Registration date : 2009-05-01

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Dynasty. The contributor, not the guitar!! Empty Re: Dynasty. The contributor, not the guitar!!

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