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Westone or Weston?

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westone - Westone or Weston? Empty Westone or Weston?

Post by besrella Mon Nov 10, 2014 6:51 pm

Hello everybody! New guy to the forum. I am looking to find some info on my guitar. I picked it up from some old dude that was selling it out of his storage unit for like $65. I have an unknown strat style model HSH active P/U configuration with a Floyd Rose. It has one volume, tone/coil tap, 5 way switch and the middle knob acts as a distortion selector. Kinda crazy cool! The head stock has the Westone logo/symbol with the bird head but the name reads Weston with no "e" at the end. SN on the neck plate has the same thing. The SN is 210825. It has no other markings on back of the neck or in the neck joint area. Fake or a knock off? Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Tried to post a pic...not sure if I did it correctly!! Thanks guys!


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westone - Westone or Weston? Empty Re: Westone or Weston?

Post by Barry Tue Nov 11, 2014 12:05 am

Hi and welcome.
We've come across the "Weston" brand a few times. If you do a search you'll find a few references.
I think the concensus is that they were Korean made.

Check the neck. If you see a scarf joint that will confirm that it is not a Matsumoku instrument.
As for pictures, new members must wait 7 days before they are allowed to post pictures or hyperlinks. It helps keep the SPAMmers out.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
westone - Westone or Weston? Guitar10
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Registration date : 2009-05-01

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