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Washburn super didtortion pickup 1979

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Washburn super didtortion pickup 1979 Empty Washburn super didtortion pickup 1979

Post by SpareRibs Sun Aug 31, 2014 7:59 pm

     I am a new member on this forum, however I recognize some of the names as I post over on the Electra forums as well.
     I came to this forum knowing the Matsumoku factory produced a number of guitars. I currently own a Washburn wing series Hawk 1979, also an Electra Flying Wedge.
     At some point in the history of the Washburn someone pulled the bridge pickup and installed a JB humbucker. Being that the JB is black it irks me to no end how it upsets the looks of the guitar as the rest of the plastic has taken on an almost ivory hue. I cannot find the information any further than it was a Super Distortion. I have a DiMarzio which is said to be a reasonable replacement, however it is black to.
     I was wondering if anyone on this forum has any ideas on a remedy ? Thank you for any information that can be provided.

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Location : PNW
Registration date : 2014-08-31

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Washburn super didtortion pickup 1979 Empty Re: Washburn super didtortion pickup 1979

Post by Westbone Mon Sep 01, 2014 2:49 am

Remedy----stick a cream/ivory Dimarzio in there.
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