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GFS pickups on my Spectrum ST

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GFS pickups on my Spectrum ST Empty GFS pickups on my Spectrum ST

Post by munkieNL Sat Aug 23, 2014 3:38 pm

GFS pickups on my Spectrum ST WestoneSpectrumSTRed12_zpsbf48df8e

Hi all! How you've been? It's been a long time.

Finally got around to fixing up my red Spectrum ST. It had the “wrong” Magnaflux PU's with the low output. I also have a black Spectrum with the “right” UBC's.

So I decided on a little experiment. In the neck position I mounted a GFS Dream 90 which is basically a P90 in HB form. In the bridge position comes a GFS Power Rails HB.

I oiled the fretboard, put on a fresh set of 010's and did a quick setup job.

Then the fun could begin. It took a little knob turning to get a good lead sound out of the Power Rails which is not as powerful as the name and the looks suggest. In split coil mode it produces the typical rather thin sound of a split HB.

The Dream 90 is a different ball game! What a complete and pleasant surprise this PU in the neck position! It sounds like a fat Strat in the neck position with more bass and shimmering highs. Both clean and with the amp/pedal in crunch mode it absolutely shines. Blues, classic rock, R&R you name it. Only with lots of gain it can become a bit muddy.

Then i took the black Spectrum from the attic, rusty old strings and all. Yes i ought to be ashamed of myself. Tuned it up and plugged into the same amp/pedals chain. Hmm not bad either, different but not bad. In the middle position definitely better than the Dream90/Power Rails combo in the Red One. Very usable split coil sound, much better than the Power Rails. Westone was on to something with the UBC concept.

Last but not least: these bargain old Japs, a little beat up, both totally convinced me again. What a high quality guitars. On the red one i was “dive bombing”a la Hendrix for a while almost without the guitar getting out of tune! Perfect setup on the graphite top nut,a very important detail.
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GFS pickups on my Spectrum ST Empty Re: GFS pickups on my Spectrum ST

Post by Barry Sat Aug 23, 2014 8:24 pm

The GFS 90's are really quite nice.
I haven't tried the Dream's but I did install a pair of the "Mean 90's" in my MIK Aria Pro TA60.

They're a good choice for a 330 style guitar, but I've not heard them in a solid body, especially a maple one. Then again, I'm a big P90 fan, so I'm not surprised that you were impressed!  Laughing

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
GFS pickups on my Spectrum ST Guitar10
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GFS pickups on my Spectrum ST Empty Re: GFS pickups on my Spectrum ST

Post by Westbone Sun Aug 24, 2014 1:54 am

GFS have some fine stuff.

As for UBC pups never seen one.
Here's a so called one from an ST, also crap.
Black plastic bottom. Hex poles.
GFS pickups on my Spectrum ST SANY1667_zpsbe076d1e
GFS pickups on my Spectrum ST SANY1666_zpsecaa2ce6
See link below.
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GFS pickups on my Spectrum ST Empty Re: GFS pickups on my Spectrum ST

Post by munkieNL Sun Aug 24, 2014 4:05 pm

GFS pickups on my Spectrum ST WestoneSpectrums_zps67ec07e7

Group hug!  Very Happy 

IMHO the "UBC" humbuckers are a bit edgy in the bridge but OK in the neck position. Many humbuckers are too muddy in the neck position, the UBC's aren't. Man those Spectrums necks play nice!
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