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Looking for a tube amp

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Looking for a tube amp Empty Looking for a tube amp

Post by jimmydime Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:57 am

Hey guys. Just thought I would ask if anyone has any input into a tube amp that could be picked up for around $300 cdn. I'm looking for something 30 watts or less. Currently I am using a Peavey Vypyr 75, but the wife loses her mind every time I switch it on in the house. It also doesn't really suit my classic rock and blues style.
Even if someone knows of a pawn shop or private sale of something decent, let me know.
Any input would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Laughing Laughing
Westone Nut

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Looking for a tube amp Empty Re: Looking for a tube amp

Post by corsair Fri Nov 22, 2013 3:35 am

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Looking for a tube amp Empty Re: Looking for a tube amp

Post by eyebulger Fri Nov 22, 2013 5:26 am

corsair wrote:Headphones?!?
Always the ideas man Laughing
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Looking for a tube amp Empty Re: Looking for a tube amp

Post by gittarasaurus Fri Nov 22, 2013 9:51 am

i have a Blackheart BH5H and i love the sound of it
5watts, switchable to 3 watts
12AX7, EL84
i play it through a 2-12 closed-back cabinet with Celestion Greenbacks and it kicks some ass big time
i also play it with a Crate 4-8, 25w, closed-back cabinet, that sounds fabulous at bedroom levels
it is awesome!
and extremely affordable
i picked up mine used (but like new) for only $125
the crate speaker box i got for $20
i think they run about $300 new.
BH5H website
here is one on ebay
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Looking for a tube amp Empty Re: Looking for a tube amp

Post by jimmydime Fri Nov 22, 2013 1:37 pm

The Black Heart looks cool but he won't ship to Canada. Might have to look into a drop ship over in Buffalo.
Does anyone know anything about the Epiphone Valve Jr? I have a line on one for $80.
I've also been checking out the Bugera 5V. It has a lot of features like spring reverb and such, and people seem to love them. Found one locally brand new for $236.00 which seems pretty steep for a 5W amp.
I also have a line on a Peavey Windsor Studio for $300 bucks but they have many bad reviews of no bass.
Still taking suggestions.
Oh, and I do use head phones all the time but its not the same as having the sound come out of an amp.
Thanks guys
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 49
Location : Ontario
Registration date : 2013-10-25

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Looking for a tube amp Empty Re: Looking for a tube amp

Post by gittarasaurus Fri Nov 22, 2013 2:11 pm

the same guy designed the Epiphone Valve Jr. and the Blackheart, Pyotr Belov.

an item from his bio:

Director of MI Amplification
Gibson Musical Instruments

July 2003 – March 2007 (3 years 9 months)
Doubled top line revenue three years in a row. I designed and engineered Gibson and Epiphone amplifiers. With introduction of new designs, I brought back Epiphone to a recognizable and respected brand name in guitar amplifier market. Identified a market opportunity for affordable boutique segment and started “amp revolution” with Epiphone Valve Junior Head.
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Looking for a tube amp Empty Re: Looking for a tube amp

Post by Barry Fri Nov 22, 2013 2:38 pm

jimmydime wrote:...$236.00 which seems pretty steep for a 5W amp...
Then you haven't seen the Marshall Class 5's? We have a black used combo @~$550 and the Marshall Custom Pinup   @$1250!

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
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Looking for a tube amp Empty Re: Looking for a tube amp

Post by corsair Fri Nov 22, 2013 4:43 pm

jimmydime wrote:Oh, and I do use head phones all the time but its not the same as having the sound come out of an amp.
Don't mind me, mate - I was just being silly, and you're right, of course; it's much better making your pants flap in the speaker breeze!! The little Blackhearts are a very good piece of kit and reasonably priced.
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Looking for a tube amp Empty Re: Looking for a tube amp

Post by grogg Fri Nov 22, 2013 4:46 pm

I use an Orange Micro Terror, no frills, 20w, its tiny and great sound.
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Looking for a tube amp Empty Re: Looking for a tube amp

Post by beefy thunder1a Sat Nov 23, 2013 4:14 am

Hi , i have an epi VJ head , it's a great little amp , mines has been modded somewhat , master volume , tone control and a couple of gain switches ,  it has an excellent sound through the marshall 1960A cab Cool  , or an old roost 2x12 cab , by the way these wee buggers can be loud , i took mines to a jam one night , i got some funny looks to start with but by the end of the night evreyone had a shot playing through it cheers  , i might even rig it up today , not played it for a while ,  , cheers
beefy thunder1a
beefy thunder1a
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Looking for a tube amp Empty Re: Looking for a tube amp

Post by hoax Sat Nov 23, 2013 8:50 am

I have an Epiphone valve Junior combo and like Beefy's, its modded with a power sink to allow full valve distortion at any level it also have switchable gain and another switch to model some vintage amps (Pentode blah, blah somethingorother).

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Looking for a tube amp Empty Re: Looking for a tube amp

Post by beefy thunder1a Sat Nov 23, 2013 9:43 am

hi Hoax , your obviously a man of impeccable taste  , we'll need to hook up sometime , we're not too far apart as the crow flies , cheers
beefy thunder1a
beefy thunder1a
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Looking for a tube amp Empty Re: Looking for a tube amp

Post by Sgt. Vimes Sat Nov 23, 2013 9:47 am

Love Flag  is in the air...
Sgt. Vimes
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Looking for a tube amp Empty Re: Looking for a tube amp

Post by hoax Sat Nov 23, 2013 9:57 am

beefy thunder1a wrote:hi Hoax , your obviously a man of impeccable taste  , we'll need to hook up sometime , we're not too far apart as the crow flies , cheers
Sure Man - No problem - and maybe you can explain pentode rectification, blah, class A whatever, and I will feign interest.

Hoax Very Happy
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Looking for a tube amp Empty Re: Looking for a tube amp

Post by beefy thunder1a Sat Nov 23, 2013 10:16 am

hoax wrote:
beefy thunder1a wrote:hi Hoax , your obviously a man of impeccable taste  , we'll need to hook up sometime , we're not too far apart as the crow flies , cheers
Sure Man - No problem - and maybe you can explain pentode rectification, blah, class A whatever, and I will feign interest.

Hoax Very Happy
 Hi , hoax , there would be something up with me if i started to talk all that  techno mumbo jumbo stuff  , i just like to plug in and play Cool  if anything goes wrong with my amps (not often) they get put into magnum sound here in wishy for Bill to sort Very Happy the only thing i do know about tube amps is that they need new tubes now and then Very Happy  , cheers
beefy thunder1a
beefy thunder1a
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Looking for a tube amp Empty Re: Looking for a tube amp

Post by grogg Sat Nov 23, 2013 5:41 pm

For Hoax cos I know he likes me doing the odd tutorial:-
Class A - cleanest sound, low efficiency so gets hot at any volume setting
Class B - distorts readily, efficient for power
Class AB - compromise between the above
Class C - H don't worry about these
Theres clearly something up with me
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Looking for a tube amp Empty Re: Looking for a tube amp

Post by The Chad Tue Nov 26, 2013 3:53 pm

Maybe get a little Peavey Classic 30.  They're here in the States for around $300 used.  Great for blues and classic rock.  CLICKY HERE.

Although there a lots of great options.  For classic rock and blues, you just can't beat lower wattage tube amp with a blues driver or other overdrive!  

Unless of course you're using a cranked Marshall for classic rock...  Yay!
The Chad
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Looking for a tube amp Empty Re: Looking for a tube amp

Post by jimmydime Wed Nov 27, 2013 10:40 pm

Well the decision was made by the numbers. Thanks for all the input guys, I have looked at all the suggested amps on line and was tempted by many. Some seem to be very hard to find and or overprice (Marshall class 5).
In the end, I bought the Peavey Windsor Studio. 15 - 20 watts depending on tubes. Tube changes can also be made with no biasing. A lot of negative on the internet, but I think most of it is dislike of a brand. I am running an EQ through the effects loop to boost bass response. The kicker for this amp is the attenuator on the back. You can have the amp cranked full gain, volume at 75% tubes nice and hot and set the attenuator at 5% and have nice bedroom level at full output.
I offered a complete low ball that was $100 less than asking and the guy took it. He said he was just separated from his wife and in a jam for cash.
Certainly  worked in my favor.
Thanks again for all the suggestions.
Westone Nut

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