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Looks Fairly Familiar

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Looks Fairly Familiar Empty Looks Fairly Familiar

Post by hoax Sun Nov 17, 2013 1:14 pm

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Looks Fairly Familiar Empty Re: Looks Fairly Familiar

Post by Barry Sun Nov 17, 2013 2:07 pm

downbytheoldbargepier wrote:could do with a new set of strings...the ones on there at the moment are pretty old
Face Palm  cheap bastid too.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
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Looks Fairly Familiar Empty Re: Looks Fairly Familiar

Post by westcoaster Sun Nov 17, 2013 2:29 pm

Is it the same one?  To be fair, at leastthis time  the seller isn't making any spurious claims about it.
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Looks Fairly Familiar Empty Re: Looks Fairly Familiar

Post by hoax Sun Nov 17, 2013 2:43 pm

Its the same one. Look at the headstocks. The cut string ends are at the same angles.

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Looks Fairly Familiar Empty Re: Looks Fairly Familiar

Post by Sgt. Vimes Sun Nov 17, 2013 2:57 pm

So....who's gonna be the first to tell him it aint a westone?
not that he isnt reading this...
Sgt. Vimes
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Looks Fairly Familiar Empty Re: Looks Fairly Familiar

Post by westcoaster Sun Nov 17, 2013 3:07 pm

Graham,  ever considered a career as a forensic science investigator.
Ok I'll do it - it aint a westone Very Happy
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Looks Fairly Familiar Empty Re: Looks Fairly Familiar

Post by corsair Sun Nov 17, 2013 3:25 pm

To be fair, gentlemen - and I use the term loosely!!Laughing - there are no claims being made in the listing that the guitar is a Westone, so it's up to a prospective bidder to do some due diligence.
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Looks Fairly Familiar Empty Re: Looks Fairly Familiar

Post by hoax Sun Nov 17, 2013 3:32 pm

Well he kinda annoyed me with his North v South jibe therefore on this occasion, I am going to break my self imposed refusal to comment on someone's sale. What I will say is this....

You have to be a bit smarter than moving the guitar from the living room to the bedroom to fool an old bloodhound like me.

And also ...... His lounge suite was an eyesore - it made me feel all "bitter and twisted"

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Looks Fairly Familiar Empty Re: Looks Fairly Familiar

Post by Catalyst Sun Nov 17, 2013 3:51 pm

I think you are wrong there Hoax with your conspiracy theory...

The guitar clearly sold for £122, says so in the original listing, so the new owner is looking to flip it, within a day of the auction ending....anything other than that would surely be a breach of ebay rules.

I'm sure there's a perfectly rational explanation... Thinking
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Looks Fairly Familiar Empty Re: Looks Fairly Familiar

Post by The Don Sun Nov 17, 2013 3:56 pm

Again ?

I almost want to buy the damn thing to get it of the market. The woodburner can always use some fuel.
The Don
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Looks Fairly Familiar Empty Re: Looks Fairly Familiar

Post by Sgt. Vimes Sun Nov 17, 2013 4:13 pm

I can picture spitting out his alphabetti spaghetti reading this.
Sgt. Vimes
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Looks Fairly Familiar Empty Re: Looks Fairly Familiar

Post by hoax Sun Nov 17, 2013 5:47 pm

Catalyst wrote:I think you are wrong there Hoax with your conspiracy theory...

The guitar clearly sold for £122, says so in the original listing, so the new owner is looking to flip it, within a day of the auction ending....anything other than that would surely be a breach of ebay rules.

I'm sure there's a perfectly rational explanation... Thinking
I just don't think that someone would be stupid enough to buy such a high quality, historically significant, one off, prototype trade special from the lawsuit golden era of Japanese guitar production only to flip it the next day??

I hear what you are saying about Ebay rules, and it is quite difficult to comprehend, but I stand by what I say.......

That pile of junk has been snuck off the hideous sofa and into the boudoir, extensively photographed and slapped back onto the bay.

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Looks Fairly Familiar Empty Re: Looks Fairly Familiar

Post by challpa Sun Nov 17, 2013 5:52 pm

hoax wrote:Its the same one. Look at the headstocks. The cut string ends are at the same angles.

Takes a mental note to self to adjust cut string angles if selling on a bodgey guitar Laughing
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Looks Fairly Familiar Empty Re: Looks Fairly Familiar

Post by hoax Sun Nov 17, 2013 5:58 pm

The pictures were taken at the same location, by the same person, using the same camera and......

he has a touch of arthritis in the index finger of his right hand and speaks with a strong cockney accent.

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Looks Fairly Familiar Empty Re: Looks Fairly Familiar

Post by westcoaster Sun Nov 17, 2013 6:02 pm

Lay off that furniture Graham - thats a one off trade show special designed by Charles Eames, a prototype of the famous and iconic Eames Chair.  A conservative estimate of the value of such a rarity would be in the region of £ 10, 000.
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Looks Fairly Familiar Empty Re: Looks Fairly Familiar

Post by Clive Shakedown Sun Nov 17, 2013 7:49 pm

And one more thing to note, the new seller has changed his ebay identity 13 times in the last 10 years. Not a good sign.
Clive Shakedown
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Looks Fairly Familiar Empty Re: Looks Fairly Familiar

Post by punkyjam67 Mon Nov 18, 2013 4:28 am

Clive Shakedown wrote:And one more thing to note, the new seller has changed his ebay identity 13 times in the last 10 years. Not a good sign.
Maybe he's just confused... Wink
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Looks Fairly Familiar Empty Re: Looks Fairly Familiar

Post by jim Mon Nov 18, 2013 10:09 am

Anybody seen pictures of the inner secrets? Plywood? I wouldn't be surprised but a logo transfer on an older cheap knock off seems much more probable imho. That diamond inlay just stinks. Think you guys debunked it already but just for the record I checked what Thorn's opinion was about them for I remembered a thread on a Strat with an eagle logo.

Thorn: wrote:"Abacabb - your guitar is not a Matsumoku, it's one of the many copies of strats/Teles/Les Pauls etc available from . Do a search for Westone on and you'll see lots of them. They are using a different logo now, but a year or two ago they did use the old Matsumoku eagle logo. (A clear sign that its NOT a Mat, as they didn't use that logo until 1984 by which time they'd stopped making copies) " - Mar 04, 2010

If you read that thread and checked the links...
Look what is for sale as we are speaking:

Looks Fairly Familiar Strat_10
Look familiar?

And when Thorn said 'They are using a different logo now'
Guitars with this 'Gretch-like' logo look were for sale in Finland and other Scandinavian countries at least the year before (2009).

Looks Fairly Familiar Wes-gr10
(They even had a run of  Music Man Bass copies!)
At around 2010 Westones with both these logo's surfaced and were sold, either new or 2nd hand but not in every country.

After using that logo the German company swapped it yet again for a different logo (2012 ?), which can be seen and, for the period is more elaborated documented by Barry in the FAQ section:
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