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Unusual late-model Thunder I & Marshall Lead 12 mini stack on eBay UK

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Unusual late-model Thunder I & Marshall Lead 12 mini stack on eBay UK Empty Unusual late-model Thunder I & Marshall Lead 12 mini stack on eBay UK

Post by punkyjam67 Sat Nov 09, 2013 7:37 am

Just noticed this on eBay UK (no connection to the seller, etc.) - a nice looking white Thunder I with the bonus of a cute little Marshall Lead 12 mini stack to boot (I was going to go for it myself, but I've been told to be good... Rolling Eyes ).

Click here

Also interesting that the Thunder is of a type not shown on the website - Switchmaster knobs with no toggle for the coil-tap (presumably that's now on a push-pull pot) - similar to a passive equivalent of the Thunder I-A Version 4...
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