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Westone Electrafest 2013 survey

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Will you be attending this years event? How many in party with you?

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Westone Electrafest 2013 survey Vote_lcap20%Westone Electrafest 2013 survey Vote_rcap2 0% 
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Westone Electrafest 2013 survey Vote_lcap20%Westone Electrafest 2013 survey Vote_rcap2 0% 
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Westone Electrafest 2013 survey Vote_lcap20%Westone Electrafest 2013 survey Vote_rcap2 0% 
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Westone Electrafest 2013 survey Vote_lcap220%Westone Electrafest 2013 survey Vote_rcap2 20% 
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Total Votes : 5
Poll closed

Westone Electrafest 2013 survey Empty Westone Electrafest 2013 survey

Post by mortarman120gang11c Sat May 11, 2013 6:32 pm

Greetings to all. I am now in the process of working out the logistics for this years joint Westone and Electrafest event to be held here at my home in Tifton, Ga 31793. I am trying to get an idea of how many plan to attend and enjoy all these great instruments(125+Westone and Electra models). I need to plan for prizes, drawings, seating arrangements, amps and equipment needed, food beverages and so forth. Please take a moment to fill out this brief survey as it will be a tremendous help in my logistical planning. Thanks Arthur aka mortarman120gang11c
Financial supporter

Number of posts : 740
Location : Georgia USA
Registration date : 2011-04-09

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