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Wanted: Onboard guitar preamp with active 2-band eq schematics

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Wanted: Onboard guitar preamp with active 2-band eq schematics Empty Wanted: Onboard guitar preamp with active 2-band eq schematics

Post by silence86 Tue Feb 12, 2013 4:07 am

Hi everyone,

I'm looking for schematics or even a circuit layout (for stripboard) of an onboard guitar preamp with active 2-band eq, as I'm not quite happy with the 2 separate Tone-Knobs on my x390. I wish I'd have the knowledge to extend the "Activator 2 Preamp"(Link), as I already built some of them and was very happy with the results (In fact I equipped every passive instrument I have with them). However, I 'm open to other preamp (section) designs. My internet research wasn't successful, but maybe I just googled the wrong terms.

Of course I'll keep the original electronics, you never know what happens.

As I know how lame a thread can be without pics Wink:

Wanted: Onboard guitar preamp with active 2-band eq schematics Foto110

Small-scale series Wink
Wanted: Onboard guitar preamp with active 2-band eq schematics Foto210
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Number of posts : 502
Age : 38
Location : Kaiserslautern,Germany
Registration date : 2008-11-13

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