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1986 Westone Pantera II X790 Bass (toronto)

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1986 Westone Pantera II X790 Bass (toronto) Empty 1986 Westone Pantera II X790 Bass (toronto)

Post by wallet Sun Feb 22, 2009 12:05 am

Hi all,

I've been following this forum for a long time but never registered until I finally decided to sell my original Pantera X790 Bass. I have not yet put this thing on eBay but realized that a number of folks here would be interested to know that Matsumoku was big in Canada as well (looks like many of you are on the other side of the big pond). In any event, I thought it was rare that TWO affraid Matsumokus would come up for sale on the same day in the same general area, despite the fact they appear to be quite rare.

The Pantera is mine; here's a link to Toronto Kijiji. Will likely put it on eBay if I don't receive a good offer for it but I honestly don't know what the market will bear.

You may also be interested in this link to an Aria Pro II ZZ Custom BLD .

Cheers, AJ

Uxbridge, ONT Canada

Last edited by wallet on Thu Feb 26, 2009 10:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Number of posts : 3
Location : Uxbridge, Ontario CANADA
Registration date : 2009-02-20

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1986 Westone Pantera II X790 Bass (toronto) Empty Re: 1986 Westone Pantera II X790 Bass (toronto)

Post by Warrn Sun Feb 22, 2009 1:50 am

Oh man... I'd be all over that if I had the space right now. Won't have anywhere to put it for at least another month, though... ah well. Crying or Very sad

Number of posts : 1133
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Location : Gainesville, FL
Registration date : 2008-08-03

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1986 Westone Pantera II X790 Bass (toronto) Empty Re: 1986 Westone Pantera II X790 Bass (toronto)

Post by silence86 Sun Feb 22, 2009 4:58 pm

you've got a beautiful bass there :-)...

just a question: where does the "II" in the name come from? when i bought my pantera x790 in november 08 it was also described as a "pantera II x790" and i have still no idea why...

i hope your bass will find a good home.

best wishes
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1986 Westone Pantera II X790 Bass (toronto) Empty Re: 1986 Westone Pantera II X790 Bass (toronto)

Post by wallet Sun Feb 22, 2009 6:26 pm

Hi Hans,

Thanks for the compliment, from my research looks like you found yours back in November of last year, I hope you are happy with your new addition!

As for the "II" in the Pantera name, its probably a good question for the historians over at I've seen the bass also referred to as the Pantera Deluxe; perhaps because there is a X750 model that did not have the same feature set?

I am hopeful I find a good home for the guitar but we'll see what kind of offers I get; if everything is lowballs, I will hang onto it. I've never really liked how this guitar sounded, perhaps I need an electronics overhaul.

Cheers, AJ
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Number of posts : 3
Location : Uxbridge, Ontario CANADA
Registration date : 2009-02-20

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1986 Westone Pantera II X790 Bass (toronto) Empty Re: 1986 Westone Pantera II X790 Bass (toronto)

Post by Warrn Sun Feb 22, 2009 8:18 pm

What exactly would a reasonable offer be? What kind of price are you looking for?

Number of posts : 1133
Age : 36
Location : Gainesville, FL
Registration date : 2008-08-03

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1986 Westone Pantera II X790 Bass (toronto) Empty Re: 1986 Westone Pantera II X790 Bass (toronto)

Post by silence86 Mon Feb 23, 2009 9:20 am

that would interest me,too...:-)
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Location : Kaiserslautern,Germany
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1986 Westone Pantera II X790 Bass (toronto) Empty Re: 1986 Westone Pantera II X790 Bass (toronto)

Post by wallet Mon Feb 23, 2009 1:31 pm

reasonable offer, great question! I was originally going to ask the forum here what that would be. I'm now getting offers locally in the $400 to $500 range which seems pretty good. I originally paid abt $900 for the bass back in 1987 but it hasn't held its value like a Fender (despite its seeming rarity). Shipping/customs would be the wildcard depending on where you live.
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Number of posts : 3
Location : Uxbridge, Ontario CANADA
Registration date : 2009-02-20

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1986 Westone Pantera II X790 Bass (toronto) Empty Re: 1986 Westone Pantera II X790 Bass (toronto)

Post by silence86 Mon Feb 23, 2009 5:41 pm

i wished i would only have had to spend 400 -500 dollar to get a playable x790^^
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Number of posts : 502
Age : 38
Location : Kaiserslautern,Germany
Registration date : 2008-11-13

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1986 Westone Pantera II X790 Bass (toronto) Empty Re: 1986 Westone Pantera II X790 Bass (toronto)

Post by Warrn Tue Feb 24, 2009 2:54 am

Seems like you're getting some pretty good offers there. I guess I'll have to just wait for another one.

Number of posts : 1133
Age : 36
Location : Gainesville, FL
Registration date : 2008-08-03

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1986 Westone Pantera II X790 Bass (toronto) Empty Re: 1986 Westone Pantera II X790 Bass (toronto)

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