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anybody got a pantera x790 bass for sale??

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anybody got a pantera x790 bass for sale?? Empty anybody got a pantera x790 bass for sale??

Post by wilfsdad1965 Fri Apr 30, 2010 12:32 pm

used to have one of these babies back in the late 80's early 90's. wonderful sound and playability.

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anybody got a pantera x790 bass for sale?? Empty Re: anybody got a pantera x790 bass for sale??

Post by Barry Fri Apr 30, 2010 4:30 pm

wilfsdad1965 wrote:used to have one of these babies back in the late 80's early 90's. wonderful sound and playability.
What a co-inkydink, I used to have one or two babies back in the 80's too! Wow, I can remember one time when we had way too much hallucinogenic beverage and... oh, but...I...digress. clown
*Ahem* Um, welcome here wilfsdad1965 and good luck getting yer dream git! (Keep checking the "For Sale" forum here too)

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anybody got a pantera x790 bass for sale?? Guitar10
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anybody got a pantera x790 bass for sale?? Empty Re: anybody got a pantera x790 bass for sale??

Post by silence86 Fri Apr 30, 2010 8:37 pm

hi wilfsdad1965 and welcome,

wonderful sound and playability.

i totally agree with you...

there has been one on ebay uk not long ago that hasn't been sold, so you could contact the seller and make him an offer...


anybody got a pantera x790 bass for sale?? Moz-screenshotanybody got a pantera x790 bass for sale?? 5
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anybody got a pantera x790 bass for sale?? Empty Re: anybody got a pantera x790 bass for sale??

Post by boutjp97 Fri Apr 30, 2010 10:31 pm

I know of one in the US for $200. What part of the world are you in? It is a music store selling it and they will only ship US.
Here is a picture of it...

anybody got a pantera x790 bass for sale?? Bass10
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anybody got a pantera x790 bass for sale?? Empty Re: anybody got a pantera x790 bass for sale??

Post by Warrn Sat May 01, 2010 2:42 am

Bout, that's an X775. The X790 is the black 4-string with active electronics. $200 is a sweet deal though, mind linking it?

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anybody got a pantera x790 bass for sale?? Empty Re: anybody got a pantera x790 bass for sale??

Post by boutjp97 Sat May 01, 2010 9:47 am

LINK Shows you how much I know about bass. I have bought at least 10 guitars from this company but each store is a franchise with a different owner so some transactions go easy and some not so much. I just bought a Charvel from one of their Indiana stores on Saturday and it went smoothly. Some locations even accept paypal. Kind of an online pawn shop for music equipment.
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anybody got a pantera x790 bass for sale?? Empty Re: anybody got a pantera x790 bass for sale??

Post by Shoegazer Sat Jun 19, 2010 4:53 pm

Unfortunately that x775 was recently sold... to me! That $200 price tag was ridiculous: whoever owned this bass last truly loved it. This thing is near mint / excellent especially for a 24 year old instrument.

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anybody got a pantera x790 bass for sale?? Empty Re: anybody got a pantera x790 bass for sale??

Post by Warrn Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:00 am

I had my eye on that and am extremely envious. Congratulations on your great deal!

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anybody got a pantera x790 bass for sale?? Empty Re: anybody got a pantera x790 bass for sale??

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