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Pantera X275CS on ebay for $350 BIN

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Pantera X275CS on ebay for $350 BIN Empty Pantera X275CS on ebay for $350 BIN

Post by gittarasaurus Wed Jan 09, 2013 8:05 pm

haven't seen many of these around...
spiffy looking Pantera X275CS on ebay
bendmaster FT with whammy bar, and string locks, a couple dings

pretty optimistic on the price at $350 tho... :joker:
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Pantera X275CS on ebay for $350 BIN Empty Re: Pantera X275CS on ebay for $350 BIN

Post by Iceman Wed Jan 09, 2013 11:03 pm

Optimistic yeah, and not in a pretty way. I'd picked one up over a year ago from Danagos right on this forum. While mine does have a couple of touched up areas in the paint and a broken tip which he did a super job of sanding back into a nice form that fits the style I paid nothing near that, plus I got a branded OHSC in the deal as well.

But this is a rarer color scheme and body wood by far as x275's go since they only were made for around a year, IIRC... so he may get close on what he is asking if someone out there has been waiting for one. I see these very seldom for sale.
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

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Pantera X275CS on ebay for $350 BIN Empty Re: Pantera X275CS on ebay for $350 BIN

Post by gittarasaurus Thu Jan 10, 2013 10:03 am

Ice, does yours have the Bendmaster FT or Deluxe?

i found one recently in the local swap shop, for less than half of the BIN. mine has a chrome Bendmaster Deluxe. the pickups had been replaced with 3 very nice Seymour Duncans, worth more than what i paid for the whole guitar. it must've killed the former owner to let it go for what they gave him for it.

the swap shop is called Starving Musicians, and i think that in their case, 'starving' is a verb. (they are good for buyers, lousy for sellers).
they do have a great amount of stock for all the little guitar bits one might need to do fix-ups and repairs. so that is a good excuse to go there all the time and see what's on the racks too.
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Pantera X275CS on ebay for $350 BIN Empty Re: Pantera X275CS on ebay for $350 BIN

Post by Iceman Thu Jan 10, 2013 11:26 pm

Bendmaster Deluxe, as is the case with almost all of the Pantera around here, exceptions to the x350 and x390.

Do you know the specific SD's that are in your x275cs, Mike? I've got several extras around here and have toyed with the idea of swapping out the humbucker on mine just for Poo in Fan's and Giggles's ...
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

Number of posts : 2894
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Registration date : 2011-02-22

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Pantera X275CS on ebay for $350 BIN Empty Re: Pantera X275CS on ebay for $350 BIN

Post by Iceman Thu Jan 10, 2013 11:33 pm

In case anyone is interested in this optimistically priced guitar I do have a small jar of high quality touch up paint that Danagos included with mine for the darker red shade that frames the burst on this model. He had it mixed at a fingernail polish counter of some department store near him and the hue is dead spot on. Very durable acrylic based paint which matches up and blends in perfectly.
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

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Pantera X275CS on ebay for $350 BIN Empty Re: Pantera X275CS on ebay for $350 BIN

Post by gittarasaurus Sun Jan 13, 2013 8:50 pm

Iceman wrote:

Do you know the specific SD's that are in your x275cs, Mike? I've got several extras around here and have toyed with the idea of swapping out the humbucker on mine just for Poo in Fan's and Giggles's ...

i have not determined the exact models that are in there, so here's a close look
Pantera X275CS on ebay for $350 BIN Ry%3D400
they sound pretty good individually. not a perfectly matched set, i find a big difference in output when i switch from one to another. actually sounds most balanced with all pickups in the split setting. i may change the volume pot p/p setup to be; single coil - down (push) / double coil - up (pull) opposite of typical.
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Location : San Francisco, CA
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Pantera X275CS on ebay for $350 BIN Empty Re: Pantera X275CS on ebay for $350 BIN

Post by Iceman Mon Jan 14, 2013 10:19 pm

For my 2¢'s Mike that neck SC looks like one of Seymour's Hot Rails, either an SVR-1, SHR-1 or maybe even an early Cool Rails.

That middle pup is almost certainly a Duckbuckers or an earlier version of that same SDBR-1 pole layout.

What does that bridge HB have printed on it? My phone is blurring it when I zoom in.

Resistance readings? scratch
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

Number of posts : 2894
Age : 61
Location : Up North
Registration date : 2011-02-22

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Pantera X275CS on ebay for $350 BIN Empty Re: Pantera X275CS on ebay for $350 BIN

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