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Pantera X300PW on ebay

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Pantera X300PW on ebay Empty Pantera X300PW on ebay

Post by gittarasaurus Sun Feb 10, 2013 11:57 am

this one appears to have an originally installed tone pot with original switchmaster knob.
a little dinged up and missing some bits....

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Pantera X300PW on ebay Empty Re: Pantera X300PW on ebay

Post by punkyjam67 Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:27 pm

gittarasaurus wrote:this one appears to have an originally installed tone pot with original switchmaster knob

I always find it really weird when I read that, because the ONLY Pantera X300s I've ever seen have all had volume & tone pots - mine was bought new in December '87, with the serial no. 6100211, so possibly built in October '86) - so as far as I'm concerned there was never any doubt that it's a factory-fitting. In fact, the first time I saw a one-pot version was on the 'Westone Info' pages...
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Pantera X300PW on ebay Empty Re: Pantera X300PW on ebay

Post by Iceman Sun Feb 10, 2013 2:52 pm

..missing SOME bits is right, Mike.

The lock nuts are not too big a deal given the Sarge now has David Blair's former stash, but all of the fine tuners on the BMD are AWOL and that is not mentioned in the description.

Good luck to anyone in finding an original there.... let alone a half-dozen.
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