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Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace

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Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Empty Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace

Post by jerkmedia Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:42 pm

Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace
I have a project guitar, need pickguard like one pictured here on forums
thanks for any help!
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Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Empty Re: Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace

Post by gittarasaurus Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:09 pm

can you be more specific as to which style pickguard you are looking for? i'll make you a scan of whichever one you need.

early style body shape and pickguard
Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Ry%3D400
later style body shape and pickguard
Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Ry%3D400
these are the Concord III's i have.
there are other variations of pickguard shape on the Concord II

i made a copy of the early style for a Concord II project i got on ebay, so i could fit up a set of Trisonics and custom switching
Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Ry%3D400Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Ry%3D400
how about some pics of your project?
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Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Empty Re: Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace

Post by jerkmedia Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:16 pm

Thank you so much!
Its the black one with caption:
""later style body shape and pickguard""

I'll post some pics soon

thanks again

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Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Empty Re: Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace

Post by gittarasaurus Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:24 pm

ok, give me a little while and i'll let you know when i have a scan ready
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Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Empty Re: Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace

Post by jerkmedia Fri Jan 04, 2013 7:16 pm

updated avatar with Concord3 project
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Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Empty Re: Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace

Post by gittarasaurus Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:16 pm

here's a pic i pinched from the ebay listing where i got mine. lousy light makes it look yellow, but it is the white one pictured above that i made the new black pickguard for. it is an '83 Concord II. the body cutout for the controls looks similar to yours. is your jack on the pickguard or the side?
Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Ry%3D400
the pickguard on the left is from an '81 Concord II with the long pickguard and the jack on the front. on my pickguard copy, i used the outside shape as close as i could make it. the controls are not set up like the original. the pickups are larger than standard single coils, the knobs and switches are in different locations and the body has the jack on the side. the truss adjustment is at the headstock, so no notch at the neck pocket for that. the one i copied was a hardtail and my project has a tremolo, so i had to adjust the cut around that too.
Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Ry%3D400
here is the one i copied on the original guitar Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Ry%3D400
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Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Empty Re: Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace

Post by jerkmedia Fri Jan 04, 2013 8:29 pm

emailed you a bunch of pics, thanks for the help
mine has the input jack on the side, the truss adjust is in the headstock, and it has a tremolo, 9 screw holes.
I probably put some Seymour Duncan's or DiMarzio p/u's in so standard size I'm thinking if that's even possible
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Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Empty Re: Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace

Post by gittarasaurus Fri Jan 04, 2013 9:53 pm

and here they are....
Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Ry%3D400 Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Ry%3D400 Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Ry%3D400 Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Ry%3D400 Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Ry%3D400 Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Ry%3D400
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Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Empty Re: Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace

Post by jerkmedia Fri Jan 04, 2013 9:58 pm

lousy camera work on my part...
I hope the rebuild comes out better.
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Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Empty Re: Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace

Post by gittarasaurus Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:20 pm

it looks like you need a pickguard that does not follow the body shape on top or bottom edge.
these are all Concord II's
the first one is the correct shape, has a tremolo, but has 12 screws
the second has 9 screws, but the jack is on the front and it is a hardtail.
the red one is similar to the first one (12 screws), but has a hardtail bridge.
do you think one of these is the one for you?
Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Ry%3D400
this is what they mean when they say "specifications subject to change without notice"
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Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Empty Re: Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace

Post by jerkmedia Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:02 pm

I'm thinking #2 should work, I can just have the pickguard folks not cut a hole for the jack, in fact I may move some of the knobs and switch around a bit, so I think #2 can work.It appears the 9 screw holes match up, and I can always work around the bridge section, shave some off if needed.What do you think?
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Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Empty Re: Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace

Post by gittarasaurus Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:53 pm

i think the main thing is the outline. as long as it covers everything you need it to, then it's all good.
you can make a template of your screw holes to make the new pickguard work with them, or just make new holes.

the third one in the pic above would not have had that style pickguard originally, i just wanted to make it that way. some of the holes line up, others i just drilled new ones. i don't have an old guard that i replaced on that one, so there is no going back to the old one on this guitar, so the other holes are a non-issue. i also changed the controls layout to suit my project.

i can pull the pickguard from #2, and copy it for you. which would you prefer: i can make a pencil trace on paper, or i can make a scan, but that would end up in two pieces because my scanner isn't big enough to do it in one go
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Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Empty Re: Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace

Post by jerkmedia Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:03 pm

Thank You!! how about the pencil trace on paper?

can you include the pickups and knobs, switch please
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Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Empty Re: Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace

Post by gittarasaurus Tue Jan 08, 2013 9:25 pm

i'll trace out everything on the pickguard
send me an envelope with postage back to your address and i can do it up.

check your PM for my address...
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Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Empty Re: Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace

Post by gittarasaurus Fri Jan 11, 2013 3:43 pm

Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Ry%3D400
2 stamps and you're in bizniz!
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Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Empty Re: Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace

Post by jerkmedia Sat Jan 12, 2013 11:34 am

you are too awesome my friend, very much appreciate your efforts, too kind. The envelop went out today, on its way, from PA to CA, ok!
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Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Empty Re: Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace

Post by gittarasaurus Sat Jan 12, 2013 2:48 pm

noooo problem! lets get that Westie jammin again! Very Happy
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Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Empty Re: Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace

Post by Sgt. Vimes Sun Jan 13, 2013 12:49 pm

love this site and its inhabitants, another good deed feed. nice work Mr Saurus
Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Empty Re: Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace

Post by gittarasaurus Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:28 pm

...from PA to CA and back again.
i got your envelope and it went back out today.

You\'ve got Mail
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Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Empty Re: Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace

Post by jerkmedia Wed Jan 16, 2013 8:44 pm

very cool, thank you sir!
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Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Empty Re: Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace

Post by jerkmedia Sat Jan 19, 2013 9:11 am

received trace, thanks

care to recommend any pick guard cutters?
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Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Empty Re: Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace

Post by Sgt. Vimes Sat Jan 19, 2013 9:17 am

a dremmel worked for me
Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Empty Re: Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace

Post by gittarasaurus Sat Jan 19, 2013 9:35 am

this is the way i do it;
cover the pickguard material with masking tape
transfer all your lines to the masking tape
cut out with jigsaw
bevel edges with a dremel
smooth cut edges with a file or very fine sandpaper
Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Ry%3D400 Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Ry%3D400
the pickups i used are larger than standard single coils so the holes in the pickguard are larger, as you can see in the second pic. i also had to rout some of the wood at the edges of the pickups cavity to accommodate them.
Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Ry%3D400
and here is the guard with all components fitted, body routed out to accommodate everything and now clamped and ready to drill the screw holes
Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Ry%3D400
and here it is all done and put together
Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Ry%3D400
It has Trisonics Pickups, master volume and tone, 3-way switch for neck and bridge pickups, p/p on the tone pot to engage middle pickup.
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Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace Empty Re: Looking for Concord III pickguard or trace

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