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Concord II pickguard

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Concord II pickguard  Empty Concord II pickguard

Post by gittarasaurus Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:37 pm

i'm making a copy of the pickguard from my 1981 Concord II. it is the style that follows the body shape above the strings and below, and the lower section has a pickguard-mounted output jack.
Concord II pickguard  Ry%3D400
Concord II pickguard  Ry%3D400
Concord II pickguard  Ry%3D400

if anybody wants a tracing of the pickguard, like the one in the picture, let me know and i can make one for you while i have it off the guitar.

send me a self-addressed/stamped envelope and i will mail it back to you.
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Concord II pickguard  Empty Re: Concord II pickguard

Post by hoax Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:41 pm

Good Man!!

And nice drawing. I personally don't need one, but if we can keep things "in house" than we can all benefit.

Nice One!!
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Concord II pickguard  Empty Re: Concord II pickguard

Post by jim Sun Jul 08, 2012 5:38 am

Good Man!!

And nice drawing. I personally don't need one, but if we can keep things "in house" than we can all benefit.

Nice One!!

+1 !
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Concord II pickguard  Empty Re: Concord II pickguard

Post by Sgt. Vimes Sun Jul 08, 2012 6:06 am

great stuff! are you planning on using the copy on something else?
Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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Concord II pickguard  Empty Re: Concord II pickguard

Post by gittarasaurus Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:50 am

yes i am. i picked up a concord IIT project on ebay a short time ago. it was only body, neck, bridge, tuners. nothing else. so i am making an old-style pickguard for it. then i am going to use some imitation TriSonic pickups on it. (i had them in another guitar and oh mama! they sounded good!)

i got the rough shape done yesterday.
it will require a few adjustments; the distance from the neck pocket to the bridge is smaller on the new body.
the control cavity on the new body is not the same size so the controls will have to move forward slightly
the body has a side mounted jack, so the pickguard will not hold the output jack

i don't want to use standard 5-way blade switch. i like the way the spectrum LX works with the 3-way switch for neck and bridge, with p/p to engage the middle pup. i found a pot with a DPDT on the back, that is actually push/push to change positions. it is awesome! now any kind of knob will be okay to use because no "pull", just push down to make a switch, push down again to switch back.

it is nice to have a westone to customize without having to mess up a working guitar. it's a fun and easy project. i will post pics as it comes along....
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Concord II pickguard  Empty Re: Concord II pickguard

Post by Sgt. Vimes Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:59 am

sounds great! cant wait to see progres pics
Sgt. Vimes
Sgt. Vimes
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