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Fishing no rod needed ?

jeff fae scotland
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Fishing no rod needed ? Empty Fishing no rod needed ?

Post by jeff fae scotland Fri Oct 19, 2012 5:57 pm

Dont need a fishing rod here...Click Very Happy
jeff fae scotland
jeff fae scotland
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Fishing no rod needed ? Empty Re: Fishing no rod needed ?

Post by corsair Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:24 pm

True, but the tragedy is that they're ruining the waterways over there as they do in one or two rivers they've got into in the Waikato in NZ. The authorities in the US are so concerned about the spread of these things that they were, last year, thinking of poisoning one or more complete river systems! That's how bad the situation is, eh!
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Fishing no rod needed ? Empty Re: Fishing no rod needed ?

Post by Barry Fri Oct 19, 2012 8:26 pm

It's a bugger to keep 'em in tuna.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
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Fishing no rod needed ? Empty Re: Fishing no rod needed ?

Post by mortarman120gang11c Fri Oct 19, 2012 10:50 pm

Yep the motor noise makes them crazy and they are super infested in some places and are a real problem.
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Fishing no rod needed ? Empty Re: Fishing no rod needed ?

Post by Sgt. Vimes Sun Oct 21, 2012 4:34 pm

Barry wrote:It's a bugger to keep 'em in tuna.
Face Palm
Sgt. Vimes
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Fishing no rod needed ? Empty Re: Fishing no rod needed ?

Post by hobster Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:59 am

mortarman120gang11c wrote:Yep the motor noise makes them crazy and they are super infested in some places and are a real problem.

Yeah, they are all over out here as well, and a real pain. That was a prety funny video, thanks .Very Happy I'll take this oppurtinity to show you guys a steelhead i caught lask week, and with a rod! Razz

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Fishing no rod needed ? Empty Re: Fishing no rod needed ?

Post by Barry Mon Oct 22, 2012 4:06 pm up the bar-be-que! Fishing no rod needed ? 3787846186

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Fishing no rod needed ? Guitar10
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Fishing no rod needed ? Empty Re: Fishing no rod needed ?

Post by Westbone Mon Oct 22, 2012 4:10 pm

Nice catch. It's got some tail on it. Good fight?

Not fimiliar with those. Is it a salmon or trout?
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Fishing no rod needed ? Empty Re: Fishing no rod needed ?

Post by jeff fae scotland Mon Oct 22, 2012 5:22 pm

Being a fisherman myself i didnt know that these fish were a curse in some water ways.We dont have anything like that in GB and dont want them i thought they were a native fish that were caught for sport. ( im talking about the film i posted not the steelhead )
jeff fae scotland
jeff fae scotland
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Fishing no rod needed ? Empty Re: Fishing no rod needed ?

Post by jeff fae scotland Mon Oct 22, 2012 5:27 pm

hobster wrote:
mortarman120gang11c wrote:Yep the motor noise makes them crazy and they are super infested in some places and are a real problem.

Yeah, they are all over out here as well, and a real pain. That was a prety funny video, thanks .Very Happy I'll take this oppurtinity to show you guys a steelhead i caught lask week, and with a rod! Razz

Fishing no rod needed ? 040
Whats the difference between a steel head and a rainbow,ive heard a lot of different stories ??
jeff fae scotland
jeff fae scotland
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Fishing no rod needed ? Empty Re: Fishing no rod needed ?

Post by hobster Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:08 pm

Westbone wrote:Nice catch. It's got some tail on it. Good fight?

Not fimiliar with those. Is it a salmon or trout?

Awesome fight! I'm addicted to fishing for these fish in our northwest waters. Steelhead are in the trout family, and like salmon, they are born and spend 2-3 years in the rivers they were spawned in. They then head out to the ocean for another 2-3 years and they return to the exact location they came from to spawn. Its pretty incredible really, the ones around here enter the rivers a 100 miles north or so from here and travel through several rivers to get to the creek where they came from. They are called steelhead because they fight like crazy, splashing all over and going airborne on several occasions when hooked. Genetically they are the same as trout, and noone is really sure why steelhead head out to the ocean and why trout don't. Sorry for the hijack, i'm pretty passionate about these fish Very Happy.
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Fishing no rod needed ? Empty Re: Fishing no rod needed ?

Post by corsair Tue Oct 23, 2012 3:21 am

Has a rainbow trout look to it with that scarlet streak; big animal!What sort of tackle?

I use a 12 ft split cane fly rod with a floating line and tapered 2 lb leader; not quite enough gear for a monster like that but I've hauled 10lbers in on it....

(yet more hijack!)

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Fishing no rod needed ? Empty Re: Fishing no rod needed ?

Post by hobster Tue Oct 23, 2012 11:23 am

Awesome John, i didn't know you were a fly fisherman. Very Happy I use a spinning reel and a 9 ft. medium action rod w/ 12 lb. ine and a 3 ft. 10 lb. leader. Usually bouncin corkies or salmon roe off the bottom to catch these. However i'm an avid fly fisherman for trout - thats what i usually fish for ( i just don't have the gear yet to fly fish for these hogs). 12 ft. rod? Man that would be fun!
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