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Westone Dana or Alvarez Dana, wanted

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Westone Dana or Alvarez Dana, wanted Empty Westone Dana or Alvarez Dana, wanted

Post by The Chad Tue Jul 10, 2012 3:44 pm

Wanted to buy! I'm posting this to keep it current for any internet searches... that's how my first Dana found me!

If anyone knows of a Westone Dana for sale, or an Alvarez Dana (not the triple humbucker "tri-force" models), please let me know.

Looking for either dual humbucker or humbucker-single-single models. Any condition.

There are two on FleaBay as of right now, although they're a little too pricey. If you have one or know of one for sale, please respond to this post. Thanks!
The Chad
The Chad
Financial supporter

Number of posts : 2773
Location : Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Registration date : 2011-02-01

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