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How do I create a Poll?

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Poll How do I create a Poll?

Post by Barry Thu Jun 21, 2012 8:51 pm

Creating a poll is easy

  • first make sure you create it in the Polls & Surveys Forum so it can easily be found Wink
  • click on the New Topic button as normal
  • scroll down to the bottom of the page to the Add Poll form below the main text entry box
  • enter a title for your poll, and then add a minimum of two options:
    type in each statement/question and be sure to use a line break (Enter) at the end of each one
  • set an optional type for the poll question:
    if you want to force users to give only one answer leave it in the default setting; if you wish to allow more than one response click the Multiple Choice button
  • set an optional time limit for the poll, "0" being none
Back at the top of the page don't forget to also create topic title as you do in a normal post, and of course you can also add your normal post text using the editor. Participants can vote in the poll then add a Reply below as normal.

You should also click on the topic icon for Poll How do I create a Poll? Poll_t10 in the topic title to further identify the topic as a poll.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
How do I create a Poll? Guitar10
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