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Poll for members interest in a first annual Westone fest

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Poll for members interest in a first annual Westone fest Empty Poll for members interest in a first annual Westone fest

Post by mortarman120gang11c Wed Feb 03, 2016 5:43 pm

Greetings to all my forum friends and Westone fans.  Each year all the Electra Forums guys get together for an annual get together called Electrafest where we share info and have fun checking out various Electra models. A great time for all.  I would like to ask everyone here if there is any interest for a Westone fest Gathering.  I would be happy to host the event at my home here in Tifton, Ga and I have several different Westone and Electra/Westone models available for all to play and check out.  will also have tech discussion areas and jam time etc and great food ad well. I know many of our forum members are outside the US but I also have high speed internet and could do a live feed for those outside the USA. Please advise and reply to this thread if you would be interested in attending such an event.  I was thinking some time around mid to late July or early August but need feedback to see what times work best for everyone. I am located just off Interstate 75 South in Tifton, Ga and have plenty of room for all and a secure area to hold the instruments in etc.  I hope we can make this work so please reply with your thoughts.
 Thanks Arthur aka mortarman120gang11c Band Metal Head Big Thumbs Up
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Location : Georgia USA
Registration date : 2011-04-09

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Poll for members interest in a first annual Westone fest Empty Re: Poll for members interest in a first annual Westone fest

Post by corsair Thu Feb 04, 2016 1:17 am

Mate, good on you for the offer, and if I could... I would!!

Yeah, unlike the Electra crew, the Westone lads are scattered across the globe with the majority, I suspect in the UK, well, the active lads, anyway!

C'mon, the Americans.... let's see if you can load up Arthurs' place with guitars and people!!
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Poll for members interest in a first annual Westone fest Empty Re: Poll for members interest in a first annual Westone fest

Post by mortarman120gang11c Thu Feb 04, 2016 4:47 pm

Thanks for the reply. I understand most of our members are all over the globe but if we can get a few of our US members together then we can do a live video link to others so all can enjoy the event. Any interest out there from our US members?
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Number of posts : 740
Location : Georgia USA
Registration date : 2011-04-09

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Poll for members interest in a first annual Westone fest Empty Re: Poll for members interest in a first annual Westone fest

Post by DimensionIV-addict Thu Feb 04, 2016 5:02 pm

Canada too!!? What a Face
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Poll for members interest in a first annual Westone fest Empty Re: Poll for members interest in a first annual Westone fest

Post by Barry Wed Nov 30, 2016 4:33 pm

Holy cr@p Arthur, what happened to this idea?
I really thought you were on to something there.

Looks like lots of reads, but not enough response. Neutral
Bloody shame. Good on ya for offering.

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
Poll for members interest in a first annual Westone fest Guitar10
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Poll for members interest in a first annual Westone fest Empty Re: Poll for members interest in a first annual Westone fest

Post by mortarman120gang11c Fri Dec 02, 2016 12:31 pm

I am still open to hosting this event.
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Number of posts : 740
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Poll for members interest in a first annual Westone fest Empty Re: Poll for members interest in a first annual Westone fest

Post by DimensionIV-addict Fri Dec 02, 2016 5:27 pm

If I can add my 2 cents' worth, I've been to Evansville Electrafest 2014 and it was a blast!
It is a sensory overload and has to be experienced first hand, try all the instruments, meet the folks who support, share and make it happen... awesome to fit in 1 or 2 songs too.
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Number of posts : 462
Age : 60
Location : Aurora, Ontario
Registration date : 2012-10-13

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