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FINALLY! Tracked one down and it is now installed...

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FINALLY!  Tracked one down and it is now installed... Empty FINALLY! Tracked one down and it is now installed...

Post by Iceman Sat May 26, 2012 11:36 pm

You folks may have caught a glimpse or two in my past posts of my Melody Maker which I picked up as my 2nd or 3rd(?) guitar back over 20 years ago now. A late '61 or '62 burst which I mistakenly thought it was a '63 for years until I had the good fortune to have it looked over by a local luthier who is very knowledgeable on them. Anyway, it had a real POC for a bridge and some sort of Strat-like single coil in it, as well as crappy machineheads that I had replaced with Gotohs right after I bought it. The bridge I just recently replaced with a Wilkinson Compensator which greatly improved its "intonability" but that pup was something I had never gotten worked up over.

Until very recently...

So a couple 10 days or so ago I won a genuine Gibson singlecoil out of a '64 off ebay on an offer and got that puppy in place. It reads just a titch over 7.4k on the meter which is actually abit hot for a period correct pickup (but who am I to complain about an operator error over 45+ years ago, right?)

My wife plugged it in this afternoon and guys... it was nirvana!! What a Face

And as an added plus is those naked poles no longer are sticking out like a sore thumb. I guess some good deeds can go unpunished.
Hero, Legend, and all round good guy

Number of posts : 2894
Age : 62
Location : Up North
Registration date : 2011-02-22

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