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Granny times FIVE!

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Granny times FIVE! Empty Granny times FIVE!

Post by Guest Thu May 01, 2008 8:25 am

Hello Chaps!

My apologies in advance for this totally non-Westone, non-Guitar post!

I might be forgiven though when I tell you that I was called out of my bed at 4am today, by my eldest daughter Jennifer, who is expecting her fourth child! Rolling Eyes

Baby number four, a boy, was born at 5.34am, weighing in at just over 5lbs 6ozs, making me a Granny for the Fifth time! cheers

Mother and baby both doing well, bounce but Granny is knackered! Sleep

(Oh God, my other daughter Wendy, is expecting her second baby in a few weeks time; I'll have to go through it all again!) pale

Quick, Gregory, pass the Bailey's; I need it! drunken

Pauline :flower: :queen: (Even more of a 'Rockin'est Granny!' Laughing )

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Granny times FIVE! Empty Re: Granny times FIVE!

Post by Administrator Thu May 01, 2008 8:49 am

Congratulations Pauline! Great News. That was nice and quick wasn't it?!

Very Happy
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Granny times FIVE! Empty Re: Granny times FIVE!

Post by Sfalj Thu May 01, 2008 10:34 am

Congratulations! Babies are great additions to a family. What's the name going to be?
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Granny times FIVE! Empty Re: Granny times FIVE!

Post by Guest Thu May 01, 2008 8:09 pm

Thanks Neil and Antoine,

I passed on your good wishes to Jennifer when I visited her and baby 'Alfie' earlier this evening. She sends her thanks to you both.

I'm really sorry here chaps, but just this once, I'm going to go all 'Girly' (:queen:) and 'Mumsy' (:farao:) on you by posting a couple of photographs of todays' events!

Granny times FIVE! Pict1016

Granny times FIVE! Pict1017

I know that I said in another post about not putting scary (affraid) pictures up on the site ... well ... I'm being a little bit hypocritical here and doing just that!
This one is definitely not for the faint hearted though! I'm the one with the rapidly greying hair and bags under the eyes! Sleep

Granny times FIVE! Pict1018

There's an idea! I could start my very own band up with all these new additions to the family! How about ...
'Granny and the Sproglets'
? or ... 'Polly and the Pipsqueeks'? or ... (This one's a Corker!) ...'The Mad Moderators' Mob'! lol!

Pauline :flower: :queen:

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Granny times FIVE! Empty Re: Granny times FIVE!

Post by Sfalj Fri May 02, 2008 9:54 pm

Pollyanna wrote:
Granny times FIVE! Pict1018

Nice earring! Guitars all the way, eh? Nice kid, looks as healthy as can be.

I strongly encourage you teaching your grandchildren how to play music! Start the band!
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Number of posts : 169
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Granny times FIVE! Empty Re: Granny times FIVE!

Post by Guest Fri May 02, 2008 10:19 pm

Thanks Antoine,

Yep, it certainly is "Guitars all the way" for me and that's my latest pair of guitar earrings! I've even got a guitar shaped watch! Laughing

Well, as for teaching the little 'uns to play music, one of my grandsons already has a guitar, another one plays the violin, my grand daughter sings and dances and my other grandson wants a drum kit, so I'm well on the way with the band already! cheers

As for me, I play a little bit, can't sing and have got two left feet! clown

What would you suggest for a name for the band?

Pauline :flower: :queen:

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Granny times FIVE! Empty Re: Granny times FIVE!

Post by Sfalj Fri May 02, 2008 10:43 pm

Pollyanna wrote:What would you suggest for a name for the band?

Pollyanna and The Ruckus. Very Happy
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Number of posts : 169
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Granny times FIVE! Empty Re: Granny times FIVE!

Post by Guest Mon May 05, 2008 6:04 pm

Sfalj wrote:

Pollyanna and The Ruckus. Very Happy

Nice one Antoine! cheers cheers

Pauline :flower: :queen:

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Granny times FIVE! Empty Re: Granny times FIVE!

Post by Old Gregg Wed May 28, 2008 6:46 pm

Pollyanna wrote:....I know that I said in another post about not putting scary (affraid) pictures up on the site ... well ... I'm being a little bit hypocritical here and doing just that!
Granny times FIVE! Pict1018

affraid !!!

Wink Just kidding .... Gran tongue .

Anyway, I've never been a parent, so I wouldn't really know but ... are you supposed to bottle feed them Heinz Salad Cream at such an early age Suspect ?

Many congrats to all concerned, BTW Wink .

Old Gregg
Old Gregg
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Granny times FIVE! Empty Re: Granny times FIVE!

Post by Old Gregg Wed May 28, 2008 6:53 pm

Pollyanna wrote:...

What would you suggest for a name for the band?

Pauline :flower: :queen:

"One-a-anna, two-a-anna, Polly-anna"

As long as you plan to play lots of waltzes Wink .
Old Gregg
Old Gregg
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Granny times FIVE! Empty Re: Granny times FIVE!

Post by Confused Wed May 28, 2008 7:06 pm

"Electric Mayhem" is taken (Muppets), how about "Young Blood" (ala Leon), "Little Suckers"....Hmmmm...."Do it Again"....They ALL have to be playing Westones (of course)...Let's start a contest for a band name. Winner gets front row seats and back stage passes....Hmmmm...."Ear Splitters"..."Feed on Demand"..."Six Part Harmony" (providing of course Polly's clan doesn't keep and make it "Ten Part Harmony"). OK, gang the ball's in YOUR court....Let's be creative and support the "Geordie's"....YAAAAAAA
Westone Nut

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Registration date : 2008-05-15

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Granny times FIVE! Empty Re: Granny times FIVE!

Post by corsair Wed May 28, 2008 7:48 pm

...hang on a minute, fellas - the name is dependent on the musical style, isn't it - if 'Primal Scream' hadn't already been taken, that'd be my pick!!

Otherwise - and this is 'cause they're Geordies! - "Auf weidersehen. Pet?" Laughing
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Granny times FIVE! Empty Re: Granny times FIVE!

Post by Confused Wed May 28, 2008 8:08 pm

I've got it, "The Tods"..ala the trogs (Wild Thing)....Maybe "Current Evolution" or....
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 41
Age : 74
Registration date : 2008-05-15

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Granny times FIVE! Empty Re: Granny times FIVE!

Post by Guest Wed May 28, 2008 9:09 pm

Oh you guys are The Best! That is just so funny! lol! lol!

Heinz Salad Cream
; I suppose that it does look like that, Gregory! I'll have to tell Jennifer that one, and of course, pass on your good wishes, thank you!
Very Happy

If me and my band of 'Rebels' ever make the big time, you guys will certainly get the best seats in the house, I'll even throw in a few Rusks for good measure! The Ribena will be on me!

Aha! Mr. Confused, 'Wild Thing' will have to be my Theme Tune, and I've just learned to play it too!

Don't forget chaps, Granny times six will be here in just under four weeks time
Rolling Eyes - God, I do hope my daughters find something really good to watch on telly for the next few years! pale

Keep those names coming chaps, and the songs too!

Oooh, there's an idea for a challenge;
:idea: come up with a list of songs (not complicated ones though) and I'll see if I can learn to play them and I'll keep you informed of my progress!

Thanks again guys!
cheers Very Happy

:flower: :queen:

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Granny times FIVE! Empty Re: Granny times FIVE!

Post by corsair Wed May 28, 2008 10:37 pm

Pollyanna wrote:Oooh, there's an idea for a challenge; </font>:idea: <font color="indigo">come up with a list of songs (not complicated ones though) and I'll see if I can learn to play them and I'll keep you informed of my progress!, is this to serenade the winkies, or can we get creative.....
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Registration date : 2008-04-08

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Granny times FIVE! Empty Re: Granny times FIVE!

Post by Guest Thu May 29, 2008 9:41 am

corsair wrote:, is this to serenade the winkies, or can we get creative.....

No mate, be as creative as you want!
Laughing Don't forget, the 'Winkies' are the band! Rolling Eyes

:flower: :queen:

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Granny times FIVE! Empty Re: Granny times FIVE!

Post by Old Gregg Sun Jun 01, 2008 11:21 am

Well Pollyanna, since you've already "appeared with them" Wink , what about learning something from the Status Quo repertiore :?: (Insert the, "But they only have one tune ..." gag of your choice here ...)

"Rockin' All Over the World" would seem to be as good as any other.

Perhaps you already know that one, or at least, if you've learned to play 12 bar blues shuffles, you're over half way there. Just don't ask me about specifics on that tune - I'm a bass player, remember Wink !
Old Gregg
Old Gregg
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Granny times FIVE! Empty Re: Granny times FIVE!

Post by Guest Sun Jun 01, 2008 12:43 pm

Ooh, good one Gregg! I'll give it my best shot! Very Happy

Now, has anybody got the chord structure for it, (with strumming patterns if possible)?
Wink Tablature is no good though, it takes me too long to figure it out! scratch

Even better still, somebody come and show me how to do it please!!!!
bounce I don't ask for very much, do I? cheers

:flower: :queen:

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Granny times FIVE! Empty Re: Granny times FIVE!

Post by corsair Sun Jun 01, 2008 5:15 pm

Pollyanna wrote:Now, has anybody got the chord structure for it, (with strumming patterns if possible)?

...cheat sheet on it's way... Very Happy
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Granny times FIVE! Empty Re: Granny times FIVE!

Post by Sfalj Sun Jun 01, 2008 5:24 pm

Be sure to check out Runnin' Down a Dream by Tom Petty. It's loads of fun and pretty easy too!
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Granny times FIVE! Empty Nearly all the band!

Post by Guest Mon Jun 02, 2008 7:02 pm

Hey troops,

Hot off the presses, herein the first publicity shots of the band!

There are still a couple of members missing though: Wendy's baby, (due in three weeks time) and my son, Joe who is somewhere in the middle of the ocean at the minute and won't be back until August! (I think that he's on his way to Houston!)

Pictured, left to right: Back: Jennifer, Me with baby Alfie, Wendy with bump!
Front: Michael, 8, Louise (7), Oliver (4), Bobby (7).

Granny and the Gremlins!

Granny times FIVE! PICT1232

The Westone Winkies!

Granny times FIVE! PICT1230

Trio of trouble with the Genesis!

Granny times FIVE! PICT1235

lol! lol! lol!

:flower: :queen:

Last edited by Pollyanna on Mon Jun 02, 2008 7:06 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Deletion of brackets.)

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Granny times FIVE! Empty Re: Granny times FIVE!

Post by Sfalj Mon Jun 02, 2008 8:15 pm

Nice familly! And nice kids too. Have any of them shown interest in musical instruments yet? The trio seems quite pleased with the Guitar their holding.
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Granny times FIVE! Empty Re: Granny times FIVE!

Post by Guest Mon Jun 02, 2008 8:27 pm

Sfalj wrote:Have any of them shown interest in musical instruments yet?

See here!

About half way down the page, I give a full explanation of who does what.

Thanks for the compliments!

:flower: :queen:

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Granny times FIVE! Empty Introducing the latest member of the band!

Post by Guest Sat Jun 21, 2008 4:41 pm

Hello again chaps, Very Happy

Just to let you all know that the past couple of days have been a bit hectic around here but I'd like you all to be the first to meet the latest member of the 'Polly Clan'!
Very Happy

Baby Isla-Rose arrived at 1.45am on Friday 20th June weighing in at a healthy (and noisy) 6lbs 8.5ozs!

Ain't she sweet?

Granny times FIVE! PICT1276-1

Mum and baby!

Granny times FIVE! PICT1277

Another one that's NOT for the faint hearted!
Granny times FIVE! PICT1280

Gregg, you will have to supply me with loads of Bailey's now because I was right at the 'Business End' of things at this one!

:flower: :queen:

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Granny times FIVE! Empty Re: Granny times FIVE!

Post by Sfalj Sat Jun 21, 2008 5:35 pm


I can see some pretty exciting Christmas parties down the road. Very Happy
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Number of posts : 169
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Granny times FIVE! Empty Re: Granny times FIVE!

Post by boutjp97 Sat Jun 21, 2008 9:16 pm

Congratulations! Now you’ll have piece seven piece band. Polly and the Pulverizers. Can’t wait for your first album (probably children’s songs I’m guessing).
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Granny times FIVE! Empty Re: Granny times FIVE!

Post by Guest Sun Jun 22, 2008 11:33 am

Thanks chaps! Very Happy

'Polly and the Pulverizers'
that's cool!

No Bout, definitely no kiddy songs from this band, just pure rock! Mind you, I think that I might end up doing a bit of 'head banging' myself after spending a few hours with that lot, they are a pretty noisy bunch when they all get together!

:flower: :queen:

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Granny times FIVE! Empty Re: Granny times FIVE!

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