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Distortion from my Thunder 1A pickups

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Distortion from my Thunder 1A pickups Empty Distortion from my Thunder 1A pickups

Post by harrylado Sun Apr 27, 2008 7:54 am

Hi everyone,

this is my first posting on the Westone Forum. I enjoy reading about Westone guitars. I have 2 Westones, a guitar and a bass, both Thunder 1A.
Anyway I think the pickups on the guitar have a distorted output. I'm talking about passive mode so its not batteries. How can I test them? I dont want to replace them and find it wasn't the pickups. I am an electrician so I have access to meters etc.
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Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2008-04-27

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Distortion from my Thunder 1A pickups Empty Re: Distortion from my Thunder 1A pickups

Post by harrylado Mon Apr 28, 2008 5:21 am

I fixed the problem. I did a bit of research today on the internet and
found that having the pickups too close to the strings can cause
distortion. So I lowered the pups and the distortion hase reduced
significantly. The sound is much sweeter.
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Number of posts : 3
Registration date : 2008-04-27

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Distortion from my Thunder 1A pickups Empty Re: Distortion from my Thunder 1A pickups

Post by Old Gregg Fri May 09, 2008 3:44 pm

Hurrah! I like stories with happy endings Laughing !

Welcome to the forum, BTW Wink .
Old Gregg
Old Gregg
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Distortion from my Thunder 1A pickups Empty Re: Distortion from my Thunder 1A pickups

Post by corsair Fri May 09, 2008 5:30 pm

Yep, I'm with OldGregg on the happy endings thing! Welcome indeed and you realise we need pix of your geetars; we live to drool over others instruments in here!!! Laughing
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Distortion from my Thunder 1A pickups Empty Re: Distortion from my Thunder 1A pickups

Post by harrylado Sat May 10, 2008 4:57 pm

OK, I'll take a few pics and post them as soon as I can,
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Registration date : 2008-04-27

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Distortion from my Thunder 1A pickups Empty Re: Distortion from my Thunder 1A pickups

Post by logicaljohn Tue Jul 08, 2008 6:02 am

harrylado wrote:I fixed the problem. I did a bit of research today on the internet and
found that having the pickups too close to the strings can cause
distortion. So I lowered the pups and the distortion hase reduced
significantly. The sound is much sweeter.

Hmmm interesting ..
Westone Nut

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Distortion from my Thunder 1A pickups Empty Re: Distortion from my Thunder 1A pickups

Post by corsair Tue Jul 08, 2008 5:14 pm

It's called string choking and my understanding of it is that the magnetic field from the pickups can interfere with the vibrations set up by a struck string if the pickups are set too high. Perhaps one of the more clued up people in here could give the actual answer... Colt...??
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