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my rainbow 1

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my rainbow 1 Empty my rainbow 1

Post by lugchris Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:14 pm

must be six months since i asked for help about my rainbow 1 , i wasnt using her and didnt know whwt to do.well at last it twigged last night.
my little preeety will be staying with me as i have asked my missis for a a set of headphones for crimbo so that i can just sit alone and chill.
spent a lot of time pondering if i had a gibson copy of my rainbow Laughing no doubt i would be minted but what ive really got is much more .
thanks polly for your support (besides trying to get my postcode for your your ninja warriors to sneak into my abode and steal my baby)
until maybe in 2 or 3 years when im old and decrepid , it just feels soooo nice to own and play something that money can't buy.
GIBSON COPY OF MY RAINBOW ; loads of money
MY RAINBOW ; priceless
just to chek out if anyone could fill in the last few serial no's would love to know.

which is prob 81
which ls prob august 81
which is my age just clocked this year august.

my birthday guitar.

cheers and thanks polly but you wont find my cave in the valleys as i told u before(osama ben chris).
and ill try to get some more pics since i cleaned up a bit.
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Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2008-04-21

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my rainbow 1 Empty Re: my rainbow 1

Post by Guest Sun Oct 26, 2008 8:34 am

Hello Chris, Very Happy

Welcome back from your hibernation,
Sleep I hope it has been a good one! Smile

I am so pleased to hear that you have decided to hang onto your Rainbow after all!
cheers I am of course, gutted that I was unable to find your cave and steal her from you though! Crying or Very sad Laughing C'est la vié! Rolling Eyes

As for the serial numbers, I think the last few digits denote the actual number of the guitar that came off the production line, but I'm not 100% certain if that is correct or not. (E.g. 123 was the 123rd guitar of that model to be produced).

Anyway Chris, it's good to have you back and keep on Rockin' there mate!
Very Happy

:flower: :queen:

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my rainbow 1 Empty Re: my rainbow 1

Post by lugchris Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:31 pm

thanks thats the way ive been reading the serial numbers aswell.probaly why with wetones there are more 7 serial number guitars than 6's.
but and a big but is it if this is the case the 40th or as with the tone of the rest of the no's
10 being 81
80 being the 8th month rather than 08
maybe its the 4th rather than the 40th.
production started in the autumn of 81!!!!!
when is autumn in the calender is this rainbow possibly the 40th or even the 4th ever made!!!!
either would be dead cooooooool.
fun to think and dream. Rolling Eyes
just adding wondering coz i think japaneeze doods read from right to left.

Last edited by lugchris on Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:40 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : i missed out a thought)
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Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2008-04-21

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my rainbow 1 Empty Re: my rainbow 1

Post by Guest Mon Oct 27, 2008 9:04 pm

WHOAH!!!!! Shocked

Methinks you've got too much time on your hands there Chris - that is very profound thinking!

As to the answer to that... you've got me there mate; I haven't a clue!

You are right on one thing though, those little Japanese dudes do read back to front - or is it upside down?
scratch Heck, you've got me thinking now! scratch scratch

Aw shucks, you just enjoy your guitar there mate, I'm sure that whatever her numbers mean, she's still precious to you.
Very Happy

:flower: :queen:

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my rainbow 1 Empty Re: my rainbow 1

Post by lugchris Mon Oct 27, 2008 9:37 pm

i am totally enjoying and am even thinking of investing in a plectrum :arrow: never thought i would as i am a finger picker(i said finger not nose lol! ) dont know how ill get on it looks so ungainly.
six months ago if you had offered me a ton i would have grabbed the cash and smiled(a lot more than i payed)but now if i was offered a grand id direct you to the nearest music shop and say take your pick.
Razz that by the way was not a plectrum joke.

wouldnt part with my baby know , just become tooooo attatched ❤ must be this 40th birthday thingy about time i had a mid life crisis and grew my hair again but i dont know if my hair would play along.
anyway dont really care if its the 4th the 40th or the 4millionth its miiiine.
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Number of posts : 12
Registration date : 2008-04-21

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my rainbow 1 Empty Re: my rainbow 1

Post by logicaljohn Mon Nov 10, 2008 10:51 am

aww congratulations.

I hope you'll both remain very happy forever, somewhere, over your rainbow.
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my rainbow 1 Empty Re: my rainbow 1

Post by silence86 Wed Dec 02, 2009 5:35 pm

E.g. 123 was the 123rd guitar of that model to be produced

just read some older threads and found this: My x790 has the s/n: 6063791, my x390 has the s/n: 6053423...

For me, it's hard to believe that in May (June) already 3423 pantera x390 were produced (3791 pantera x790).

Assuming that the production of the pantera models started on the 1st of January 1986, that would make about 33 x390 a day (20 x790 a day)...isn't that a bit much considering that the the pantera wasn't the only westone model and westone wasn't the only brand manucatured by uncle Matt? And where would all these guitars be today?

I'm confused...
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my rainbow 1 Empty Re: my rainbow 1

Post by Warrn Wed Dec 02, 2009 7:14 pm

I'm pretty certain the serial numbers are all different, i.e. there would not be a 6063791 Pantera and a 6063791 Spectrum, et cetera. It makes more sense that way to me.

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my rainbow 1 Empty Re: my rainbow 1

Post by Barry Wed Dec 02, 2009 7:52 pm

lugchris wrote:...i am totally enjoying and am even thinking of investing in a plectrum...take your pick...that by the way was not a plectrum joke...
Chris, just remember...if you pick it, it will never get well. my rainbow 1 Icon_rabbit

"A little song. A little dance. A little seltzer down your pants." -Chuckles the Clown
my rainbow 1 Guitar10
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my rainbow 1 Empty Re: my rainbow 1

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