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Hello and Introduction

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Hello and Introduction Empty Hello and Introduction

Post by findo Sat Aug 20, 2011 9:00 am

Hi Folks,

I'm new to the forum. I've got a Westone concord III, which I've just finished tidying up.

Lovely guitar, I've gigged with it a couple of times and thoroughly like it.

I don't really know anything about it. I think it might be an early one from what I've read on the web. Weirdly it looks exactly like this concord II I found on your forum:

same colour, same pickguard, same everything,
mine says concord III on the headstock.
The jack input on mine is on the side rather than the front of the guitar.
Mine has a tremolo bridge
mine has white knobs and selector rather than black.

looking forward to finding out lots info about these intriguing guitars and getting to know you all.

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Registration date : 2011-08-20

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Hello and Introduction Empty Re: Hello and Introduction

Post by bowenjaybee Sat Aug 20, 2011 12:35 pm

Hi Matt and welcome. The serial number will tell you the year your guitar was made. If it begins with 2 the guitar was made in 1982. 3 = 1983 and so on... the next two digits are possibly the month it was made 01= Jan, 02 = Feb etc etc. It's better explained here:

How about some photos of your Concord III.

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Hello and Introduction Empty Re: Hello and Introduction

Post by Iceman Sat Aug 20, 2011 5:50 pm

Hello Matt and again, welcome!

Here is a link to the archival portion of our little world...

As you will read there are at least 4 ( and possibly 5 ) variations of the Concord 3. Do you find yours among the ones pictured on the link?

If not, you need to IMMEDIATELY let me know so I arrange for an in-hand inspection. Twisted Evil lol!

But at a minimum pictures are certainly warranted in these sorts of situations as Jay has so correctly assessed.
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Hello and Introduction Empty Re: Hello and Introduction

Post by findo Sun Aug 21, 2011 7:09 am

Hello, thanks for the warm welcome.

Iceman - mine is most similar to version 2 in the link you sent, but has 11 screws in the scratchplate, not 9, and has white plastic knobs rather than brass knobs, though of course these might not be original.

I took some photos to post but i can't put the links up yet as I'm a new member Sad
Is there another way of doing it?

Jay, Looks like its a 1983 model. slightly disappointing as I was hoping she'd be older then me Laughing

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Hello and Introduction Empty pictures

Post by findo Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:26 am

Hi again,
well it's been over a week, so i'll try and get those pictures up. I even included one of the old girl in action... Laughing

Hello and Introduction Img_4519

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Hello and Introduction Img_4524

Hello and Introduction Soul_c11
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Registration date : 2011-08-20

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Hello and Introduction Empty Re: Hello and Introduction

Post by The Chad Tue Aug 30, 2011 10:38 am

Good looking Concord ya got there! Well, as good looking as a Concord can get, I guess. Laughing They're growing on me though.

And thanks for the great action shot! Cool Love to see Westone's actually being played, we need more of those pics on here.
The Chad
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