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This is some sort of joke, right??......

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This is some sort of joke, right??...... Empty This is some sort of joke, right??......

Post by Iceman Sat Jul 30, 2011 10:01 am

To quote Kevin Malone, " You've GOT to be kidding me!! " ......

That seems a premium price for an all original one in excellent condition, at least in my thinking.

scratch Suspect
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This is some sort of joke, right??...... Empty Re: This is some sort of joke, right??......

Post by Guest Sat Jul 30, 2011 3:46 pm

Looks like a decent job to me. As far as price, that's hard to tell without playing it and seeing how good of a job was done.
Not my style of guitar so I wouldn't think about getting it, but I guess you could get the real thing for less, so unless he did an amazing job, it may be aiming a bit high.

Once I'm done with some current projects, I'm mulling over the thought of "repro'ing" some guitars that are no longer made - who knows, there may be a market for things like that; or at least I can have some unobtainable guitars.

What would someone pay for a Hentor Sportscaster like Lifeson's? A 12 string Spectrum like Rabin's? A doubleneck 350MA? Ah, one can dream eh.

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This is some sort of joke, right??...... Empty Re: This is some sort of joke, right??......

Post by Iceman Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:18 pm

I suppose it depends on what someone is willing to pay for one LIKE it as you correctly state. What the maker thinks it is worth can also make or break it too.

Anyone remember the Electra 2236 that guy butchered (imho) and put on ebay a few months back? Called it a James Hetfield tribute guitar and put a $5K BIN on it.

The funny part was when he not only got questions about his sanity in asking so much, but when he actually posted the Q&A's in the listing.

If it's well built the quality will shine through of course, but it still has to be reachable by the pool of buyers that are out there.
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This is some sort of joke, right??...... Empty Re: This is some sort of joke, right??......

Post by The Chad Mon Aug 01, 2011 11:33 am

This guy made the body himself, altering it some from the typical Dynasty. I saw his "in process" pics a while back while surfing the net. He did a LOT of work to make this thing, so if he's selling it now, what does that tell you about the guitar?! Not good, probably.
The Chad
The Chad
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This is some sort of joke, right??...... Empty Re: This is some sort of joke, right??......

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