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bendmaster deluxe... or a suitable replacement??

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bendmaster deluxe... or a suitable replacement?? Empty bendmaster deluxe... or a suitable replacement??

Post by Iceman Fri Jun 10, 2011 7:05 pm

I have an opportunity to pick up another xa1530 in great shape except it has no bridge. That was removed by the current owner for his main axe and will not be going back on, so....

How difficult is it to find an original BM Deluxe? If next to impossible then what will suffice as a replacement in the meantime??

This one has the UBC humbucker in working condition so I would intend to use it to get my other Genesis I back to original and the Parallel Axis SD currently in that one would go to the new one.

Juggling parts and mixing and matching has turned into a hobby suddenly.... What a Face What a Face
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bendmaster deluxe... or a suitable replacement?? Empty Re: bendmaster deluxe... or a suitable replacement??

Post by corsair Sat Jun 11, 2011 3:28 am

All I can say is keep an eye on the 'bay; I picked one up not too long ago for a more than reasonable price and they do come up from time to time. As to a replacement; I really don't know - Colt has gone down this road and Sarcaster is at the moment as well so maybe they could chip in a gem of info here?! Laughing

If the 1530 is otherwise complete and well priced, buy the bugger; if push comes to shove, you can always part it out!!
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bendmaster deluxe... or a suitable replacement?? Empty Re: bendmaster deluxe... or a suitable replacement??

Post by Iceman Sat Jun 11, 2011 10:02 am

One eye seems constantly peeled to the world of online auctions these days. Razz Razz

Did quite abit of back reading of the older posts but no real consensus seemed to have been arrived at so any updated opinions are desired. This seller will probably take an offer on it low enough to suit me but I'll be driving 3 hours or so each way to meet him...... we shall see.
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bendmaster deluxe... or a suitable replacement?? Empty Re: bendmaster deluxe... or a suitable replacement??

Post by Guest Sat Jun 11, 2011 1:07 pm

There are some older posts on wanting to replace the BMD with a floyd, but basically can't be done without some major mods as the floyd's saddles don't have enough adjustment room to intonate properly. I don't think there is any available replacement bridge that can just be dropped in. I had looked into the possibility a while back and decided against the mods and instead will be filling the trem cavity and putting a tune o matic type bridge on - now thats a mod.

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bendmaster deluxe... or a suitable replacement?? Empty Re: bendmaster deluxe... or a suitable replacement??

Post by The Guitar Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:18 pm

what about a gotoh floyd? i believe the post distances are the same between the 2.
The Guitar
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bendmaster deluxe... or a suitable replacement?? Empty Re: bendmaster deluxe... or a suitable replacement??

Post by colt933 Tue Jun 14, 2011 5:04 pm

The Guitar wrote:what about a gotoh floyd? i believe the post distances are the same between the 2.

Yes, the distance between the posts on Bendmaster Deluxe and Floyd Rose tremolos are the same. So you can put a Floyd right on your guitar. But it will never intonate or make scale. I believe your guitar will now be a 25 7/8" scale, but with frets spaced for a 25 1/2" scale. Thus it will never intonate.

With a bolt-on neck guitar, which I believe yours is Iceman, the simplest fix is to re-rout the neck pocket. I think the measurement is around 3/8". So you would maintain the same depth and width, but rout back 3/8" toward the bridge, then mount the neck in its new position 3/8" farther toward the bridge.

Now your guitar will intonate correctly with a Floyd Rose. While you're at it, put a D-tuna on there and be HAPPY!!!
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bendmaster deluxe... or a suitable replacement?? Empty Re: bendmaster deluxe... or a suitable replacement??

Post by Iceman Tue Jun 14, 2011 9:54 pm

Well I haven't exactly gotten THAT one yet, but if I do I will most likely hid it away until I can lay my hands on a BMD. Thanks guys for the input. cheers
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bendmaster deluxe... or a suitable replacement?? Empty Re: bendmaster deluxe... or a suitable replacement??

Post by The Guitar Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:01 pm

that explains why a couple of the strings don't have spot on intonation on mine................ What a Face thoughm would moving the trem back 3/8" work too?
The Guitar
Westone Nut

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bendmaster deluxe... or a suitable replacement?? Empty Re: bendmaster deluxe... or a suitable replacement??

Post by corsair Wed Jun 15, 2011 2:44 am

Moving the neck back in the pocket shortens the scale; moving the bridge back will make it even longer.
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bendmaster deluxe... or a suitable replacement?? Empty Re: bendmaster deluxe... or a suitable replacement??

Post by colt933 Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:11 am

corsair wrote:Moving the neck back in the pocket shortens the scale; moving the bridge back will make it even longer.

Right. The scale will be too long with the Floyd, so move the neck back, and you will shorten the scale and be able to intonate.
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bendmaster deluxe... or a suitable replacement?? Empty Re: bendmaster deluxe... or a suitable replacement??

Post by colt933 Wed Jun 15, 2011 11:14 am

The Guitar wrote:that explains why a couple of the strings don't have spot on intonation on mine................ What a Face thoughm would moving the trem back 3/8" work too?

You'd have to re-locate the studs forward, not back.

Believe me, considering the block on the tremolo and how it fits in the body rout and also the rear pickup cavity's proximity, relocating the studs forward will be much more difficult and will cause new problems to arise.

Moving the neck back is much easier and has fewer issues. The neck pickup pocket is the only real issue with moving the neck back.
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