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Genesis II up for grabs

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Genesis II up for grabs Empty Genesis II up for grabs

Post by Guest Tue Sep 23, 2008 7:05 pm

Hi Chaps, Smile

Well, the bad news is that the dreaded time of year is looming rapidly ever nearer and I've got to start saving for my ever increasing brood! Everybody say Ahhhhhh!!!!!

Anyway, I've decided to part out some of my collection and the first one on the 'it has got to go' list is my Genesis II.
Rolling Eyes
To be honest, since I finished the paint job on it, I've still never got around to getting it wired up and I still need to buy the locking nut for it from David's spares section at Other than that, it is a fully functional guitar with almost all of its original parts. So if any of you chaps are interested in it, either as a project if you don't like the paint job, or if you do, as an almost completed guitar, it's up for grabs! I'm open to all reasonable offers on it! Smile

I'll give it a week and if nobody here fancies it, I'll stick it on eBay.

Thanks and keep on Rockin'!

:flower: :queen:

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Genesis II up for grabs Empty Re: Genesis II up for grabs

Post by corsair Tue Sep 23, 2008 8:10 pm

...don't you dare flick that MMk 75 on though!!! Laughing
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Genesis II up for grabs Empty Re: Genesis II up for grabs

Post by Guest Wed Sep 24, 2008 5:27 pm

Don't worry, I haven't!!!!! Razz It's squirreled away all nice and safe! Wink

Hey, have you forgotten about me?
Wink Laughing

:flower: :queen:

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