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For sale: Westone Spectrum Dx

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For sale: Westone Spectrum Dx Empty For sale: Westone Spectrum Dx

Post by crazyaxe50 Thu May 05, 2011 12:38 pm

Up for sale: Westone Spectrum DX: All Original, Has Original trem & pick ups, Very clean, the Original color was white ! But the previous owner painted it green ! looks good this color. I was going to try to remove the green paint, but didn't know the right way with out screwing up the guitar: so it remain green ! I believe the guitar is from around 1984 or 85 not sure ? I will be posting this guitar on Craigslist Detroit under the guitar name if interested ! $300 or OBO [img][/img]
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 45
Location : Detroit, Rock Capital Of The World
Registration date : 2010-12-30

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