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82 Westone Thunder 1-A on ebay - looks mint

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82 Westone Thunder 1-A on ebay - looks mint Empty 82 Westone Thunder 1-A on ebay - looks mint

Post by elzorillo Wed Aug 13, 2008 3:42 am

Thunder 1-A

I've been watching Westones for quite a while and the asking price seems to have rocketed recently.

Finally getting the recognition they deserve?
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Registration date : 2008-08-11

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82 Westone Thunder 1-A on ebay - looks mint Empty Re: 82 Westone Thunder 1-A on ebay - looks mint

Post by corsair Wed Aug 13, 2008 5:02 am

Yeah, undoubtedly so grab 'em while you can!! Smile
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82 Westone Thunder 1-A on ebay - looks mint Empty Re: 82 Westone Thunder 1-A on ebay - looks mint

Post by Old Gregg Wed Aug 13, 2008 8:05 am

elzorillo wrote:Thunder 1-A

I've been watching Westones for quite a while and the asking price seems to have rocketed recently.

Finally getting the recognition they deserve?

In fairness though, the seller has set a very high start price and has no bidders at all (as of 13.08.2008). It's only really a reflection of the value if someone is actually prepared to pay that much Neutral .

I hope they do, then I can ask the same amount for my minty 1983 Thunder 1A Bass Laughing !
Old Gregg
Old Gregg
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82 Westone Thunder 1-A on ebay - looks mint Empty Re: 82 Westone Thunder 1-A on ebay - looks mint

Post by Guest Thu Aug 14, 2008 3:18 pm

Old Gregg wrote:

In fairness though, the seller has set a very high start price and has no bidders at all (as of 13.08.2008). It's only really a reflection of the value if someone is actually prepared to pay that much Neutral

I have to agree with you on that one. Bearing in mind that the Thunders are quite easy to get hold of at reasonable prices; it's not the kind of money that I would be prepared to pay for one no matter how minty it was! No

:flower: :queen:

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82 Westone Thunder 1-A on ebay - looks mint Empty Re: 82 Westone Thunder 1-A on ebay - looks mint

Post by wayne weedon Thu Aug 14, 2008 4:09 pm

I'm watching it, and really would like to have that one, as it's the clone of my long lost 1A. We'll see!

wayne weedon
wayne weedon
Westone Nut

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82 Westone Thunder 1-A on ebay - looks mint Empty Re: 82 Westone Thunder 1-A on ebay - looks mint

Post by wayne weedon Sun Aug 17, 2008 8:03 am

Ooops no it was not that one I was watching! It was this one, Thunder 1A

My opologies to anyone else who was bidding Wink If it's as good as it looks then I'll have exactly what I lost all those years ago.

wayne weedon
wayne weedon
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Registration date : 2008-04-21

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82 Westone Thunder 1-A on ebay - looks mint Empty Re: 82 Westone Thunder 1-A on ebay - looks mint

Post by Old Gregg Mon Aug 18, 2008 2:03 am

wayne weedon wrote:Ooops no it was not that one I was watching! It was this one, Thunder 1A

My opologies to anyone else who was bidding Wink If it's as good as it looks then I'll have exactly what I lost all those years ago.


OK, now that's more like it Smile !

I have the bass version of that model and paid about the same for it as the start price on your guitar. It's a heck of lot of wood and craftsmanship for the money!

82 Westone Thunder 1-A on ebay - looks mint IMG_1289

Good luck in the auction, Wayne Wink .
Old Gregg
Old Gregg
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82 Westone Thunder 1-A on ebay - looks mint Empty Re: 82 Westone Thunder 1-A on ebay - looks mint

Post by wayne weedon Mon Aug 18, 2008 12:56 pm

Do you call it Tiger?

I pick up the 1A tomorrow, will call in to see Zube while up the smoke.

wayne weedon
wayne weedon
Westone Nut

Number of posts : 30
Location : Poole UK
Registration date : 2008-04-21

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82 Westone Thunder 1-A on ebay - looks mint Empty Re: 82 Westone Thunder 1-A on ebay - looks mint

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