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Spectrum 1A info needed

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Spectrum 1A info needed Empty Spectrum 1A info needed

Post by STURROCK Tue Aug 05, 2008 3:35 pm

I purchased a Spectrum 1A from a guy for $30 as a starter guitar for my son. It definately needs some work. First of all the tremelo is busted; one of the tuning screws is broken and the cast peice on the bottom is broke where the whammy bar screws in. Should I just replace it or try to find parts? If I replace it what would be a direct replacement? (I don't want have to redrill for anchors;I believe the original is a Bendmaster FT)
The next problem is no sound at all. I haven't really tested the switches to make sure it isn't something simple. If anyone has a wiring diagram let me know.
Last, and this is just because I'm curious, the neck has some extra holes next to the tuners. I looked at the pictures of this model ( and it looks like there is something attached just below the tuners (????) Anyone know what that is?

Thanks for any replies in advance Very Happy ,

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Spectrum 1A info needed Empty Re: Spectrum 1A info needed

Post by corsair Tue Aug 05, 2008 4:09 pm

The extra holes for for the little metal block which held the 2 Allen keys which came with the guitar originally. The 'no sound' thing sounds like something really basic, eh - broken wire or similar; you'll have to get into the back and have a gentle poke about. One of the whizzkids in here will have a better idea of what might be wrong...
The trem, however, is a bit more problematic as the FT's are not that readily available; you say the one of the 'tuning screws is broken; is that the fine tuners? But if all that is wrong with it is the wang bar is unusable and a fine tuner missing(quite easily replaced with a bit of jiggery-pokery!) then I would suggest keeping the bridge and watching eBay for a bridge that someone's parting out.
I don't suppose a few pix are possible....

Oh, and welcome to the madhouse! Very Happy
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Spectrum 1A info needed Empty Re: Spectrum 1A info needed

Post by STURROCK Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:11 pm

More than likely the sound problem will be simple. All the wiring appeared to be ok, at least there was nothing obvious. I'm willing to bet it's just the on/off toggle switch or a busted pot. I'll ohm it out tonight. The bridge is fine (just the broken fine tuner) so it is at least usable. I just wasn't sure if there was a drop in replacement option. Honestly I probably shouldn't put to much into this since it is his first guitar (age 11). I just hate seeing it there....broken. This guitar brings back memories of my 80s glam rock hair and the high school bands I played with lol! .

Thanks Corsair,

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Spectrum 1A info needed Empty Re: Spectrum 1A info needed

Post by corsair Thu Aug 07, 2008 2:21 am

I know the feeling, brother - I like my gear to work the way it should as well and go through horrors if I can't get the bits to do so!! For the fine tuner you could use a bolt of the right length with a wee tag brazed on the top just for the interim. You don't say whether the locking clamps are on the guitar; are they?
I don't suppose a few pix could find their way on here could they of the damaged part of the bridge - someone in here may have a bright idea, eh! I had a munted bridge on my X195 but fortunately it was a standard strat-type one and i popped a Wilkinson in; you don't have that luxury, I'm afraid! My point is that I was going to weld or braze the old bridge but because it was a pot metal casting, such a course of action was not an option.
But there is hope - have a look about halfway down this page and see if there's anything there that can help...
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Spectrum 1A info needed Empty Final analysis

Post by STURROCK Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:54 am


The cast peice for the tremelo is busted (where the arm sleeve screws in) so I'll just tighten the springs and my son will have to make due with a make shift fixed bridge for now. I can probably buy a fine tuner from a local shop, most of older guitar shops have tons of bits and peices so I'm sure I'll find something. Now, to make things worse, I had to remove some of the saddles to tighten down the cast piece which was loose. So now I have to reset the intonation after I'm done with everything.
I pulled all of the electronics and figured I would just start over. Someone definately had been in there messing around. Everything is good except for the jack socket (imagine that...why didn't I test that first hehehehe). I need to find out the wiring for the humbucker. The wires are paired Red/Black and white/blue (4-wire configuration) so I'm assuming red/white are + and blue/black are -. I'm going to connect the humbucker to the toggle to switch between a single/humbucker mode. Or should I use the switch as a kill (sound on/off) for all pickups. The only other thing with the guitar is the tuners. There are extra holes at each tuner so someone must have replaced them at some point. A couple of them are wobbly so I'll see if they actually work and then just use the locking nut (all the parts are there) to keep the tuning stable. I swear... if this wasn't a Westone I would have trashed it days ago.
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Spectrum 1A info needed Empty Re: Spectrum 1A info needed

Post by corsair Sat Aug 16, 2008 4:44 pm

Good work, man! I agree; the trem thing can be worked around simply by locking it down and keeping an eye out for the bits on ebay; good luck with that! Smile The wiring is not something that I'm familiar with as I've never had any issues with any of my Westones, but there'll be someone in here who knows what the deal is, eh! I reckon putting it back to OEM specs would be ideal but sometimes that just isn't feasible, so you may have to just box on and do what you can, but I would suggest waiting for a reply or two before getting into it...
We could do with a few pics of the guitar and it's problems, eh - a pic being worth a thousand words!! Very Happy
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Spectrum 1A info needed Empty 1a trem

Post by catonine Sun Dec 07, 2008 7:27 am

i have a 1989 1A and it has a floyd rose lisc copy thing on it from the factory.. so maybe just another cheapo floyd copy will work.. no gurantees though.. heres a pic of mine..
Spectrum 1A info needed Ia_fr12
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