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Famous Westone players...

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Famous Westone players... Empty Famous Westone players...

Post by nasticanasta Fri Dec 10, 2010 11:33 am

What about Leslie West? He played a Pantera in the 80's....I saw West, Bruce & Lang back in the day and he was an instant favourite! I still have my ticket stub from seeing Mountain, and the very next night was King the price for a killer concert back then that you will never see again? $6.50 !!!!
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Famous Westone players... Empty Re: Famous Westone players...

Post by corsair Fri Dec 10, 2010 12:56 pm

And was associated with Electra, as well though he now tries to distance himself from that!! Rolling Eyes

$6.50 to see KC - the classic line-up, too!! - and Mountain - whew!! Mind you, that was when US$6.50 was real money, eh!! Laughing I'm not saying how much we paid for Rush tickets for next year!! Shocked Laughing
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Famous Westone players... Empty Re: Famous Westone players...

Post by nasticanasta Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:57 pm

corsair wrote:And was associated with Electra, as well though he now tries to distance himself from that!! Rolling Eyes

$6.50 to see KC - the classic line-up, too!! - and Mountain - whew!! Mind you, that was when US$6.50 was real money, eh!! Laughing I'm not saying how much we paid for Rush tickets for next year!! Shocked Laughing
I hear ya..they already came through my area... awesome show but $$, heck once i paid $370 to see the Rolling Stones on Keith's birthday in Detroit 2nd row right in front of Keith.. I saw the 2112 tour...but what was probably their best tour was "Caress of Steel" .. and saw their first tour with the first drummer John Rutze, they opened for Rory Gallagher and Spirit!! one of those "World Series of Rock" concerts at the old Cleveland Stadium. Lol I remember being outraged by Led Zepp Tickets being $20 in '77...Richfield Coliseum... lol!
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Number of posts : 187
Age : 65
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Registration date : 2010-02-18

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