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Westone Spectrum V bass bridge pickup problem

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bridge - Westone Spectrum V bass bridge pickup problem Empty Westone Spectrum V bass bridge pickup problem

Post by Mountainmike Fri Sep 24, 2010 5:46 pm

My Spectrum V's bridge pu was weak when I recently bought the bass. My luthier didn't want to risk failure. Would there be a way to repair it, or how can I get an original pu (Magnabass?), or with what pu should I replace it? I love Westone, also got a Thunder II bass and a Spectrum GT bass. Excuse me, but the Thunder is the best I ever played ...

Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2010-09-24

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bridge - Westone Spectrum V bass bridge pickup problem Empty Re: Westone Spectrum V bass bridge pickup problem

Post by Guest Fri Sep 24, 2010 7:23 pm

Magnabass pickups seem in my experience to be prone to failure. If the output is extremely weak compared to the neck pickup, I would suspect that there is a break in one coil of the bridge pickup, in which case your best option is probably to have the pickup rewound. If you have a multimeter, check the DC resistance of both pickups - they should be about the same (Neck pickup will be slightly higher), if there's a break in the bridge pickup there will be a substantial difference. I had the same fault on my Pantera X750, one coil was dead on the bridge pickup, it registered zero on the meter but still worked - just.

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bridge - Westone Spectrum V bass bridge pickup problem Empty Re: Westone Spectrum V bass bridge pickup problem

Post by Warrn Sat Sep 25, 2010 2:33 am

I actually have this same problem on my Spectrum GT bass, except that the bridge pickup seems to have completely died now. It's unfortunate that they're prone to failure, they're great sounding pickups. I intend to have mine rewound.

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bridge - Westone Spectrum V bass bridge pickup problem Empty Re: Westone Spectrum V bass bridge pickup problem

Post by Mountainmike Sat Sep 25, 2010 5:03 am

After browsing the net rewinding (recoiling) crossed my mind indeed. Nice of you guys to confirm the problem could be solved that way. Thanks! I'd have to check where to have it done in Holland. In GB is "Wizard Pickups" any good please? And ... would it make sense to have the neck pu rewound preventively?

Number of posts : 2
Registration date : 2010-09-24

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bridge - Westone Spectrum V bass bridge pickup problem Empty Re: Westone Spectrum V bass bridge pickup problem

Post by Guest Sat Sep 25, 2010 5:53 am

I always use Wizard pickups, they're very good. I wouldn't bother rewinding the other pickup if it's still working properly.

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