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Spectrum GT bass pickup problem

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Spectrum GT bass pickup problem Empty Spectrum GT bass pickup problem

Post by Warrn Sat Sep 12, 2009 5:02 pm

So my Spectrum sorely needed new strings, and I finally obliged today. While I was at it, I realigned all the pickup poles, as they were pretty wonky. Now, it's loud and proud when I plug it in, but there's one problem... the bridge pickup has gone from super weak to completely dead. Now, I can assume it's related to the extreme difficulty I had in getting the pickup and casing back into place (the gray wire leading back to the knobs would not get out of the way), but nothing seemed to be loose. I haven't got the tools necessary for wiring work, but does anybody have a clue what might be wrong here?

In the mean time, the neck pickup is three times louder thanks to the new strings and possibly also the pole alignment, and I never used the bridge anyway because it was so quiet, so at least she's playable.

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